Social justice and advocacy

Silenced by the stigma that women are powerless and insignificant has caused many women to feel unlovable and rejected by society. Restoring dignity to women in our neighborhood is part of who we are as a College of Mercy Sisters. We consider it to be significant to acknowledge and support anyone who is dealing with issues such as homelessness, domestic violence or generally doing it tough.

Each term, the College focuses on a different Social Justice and Advocacy organisation. Providing a platform for people who experience poverty and hardship, helps our community to be more aware of those in the world who, despite living a life with so little, still find time to give selflessly of themselves.

Term 1 – Caritas: Project Compassion

Caritas reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. As a long-serving advocacy organisation for those living in the margins, Caritas invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.

Term 2 – Rosie’s: Our friends on the street

Our service justice spotlight shines on Rosie’s for Term 2. The Rosie’s team resonates the belief of truly being the head, heart and hands of Mercy for others. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus to offer simple things like a kind word and a cup of tea, we see the Gospel of Jesus Christ brought to life, through the good works of these Rosie’s volunteers, week after week.

Term 3 – St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

This has been a long-standing tradition at St Saviour’s College to collect warm winter woollies, and non-perishable food supplies for St Vincent de Paul. It is also important to increase the awareness of the plight of those experiencing homelessness across our country, within our mercy community. We acknowledge and appreciate the special privilege we have as sisters of Mercy to see a need and make a positive difference in the lives of others who need assistance, living here in our local community. The Mercy Charism of our foundress, Catherine McAuley, inspires us as empowered women to see a need and respond. It is our hope in partnership with St Vincent de Paul Society that this winter we can continue to assist those living in the margins.

Term 4 – The Living Crib in support of Vinnies Youth

Our St Saviour’s College community devotes Term 4 to supporting families in our local community who were experiencing hardship this Christmas. At Christmas time we celebrate the blessed gift that was given to us through the birth of Jesus. Through our Living Crib Project, we have an opportunity to make a difference in the life of our community’s most vulnerable, by walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
