St Saviour's College Newsletter Term 3 Week 2

Welcome Back to Semester Two
A big welcome back to Semester Two. It has been wonderful to welcome our full complement of boarders who returned to us, many of whom have not been physically present since Week 7 of Term 1. There has been a great cooperative effort to ensure that the girls’ return has been gentle and seamless. Many thanks to all staff involved in this transition, Ms Jesse Bolton and our boarding staff who provide for our girls a home away from home in the absence of their families during term time. Thanks also to the Leadership Team, teaching and support staff who have worked collaboratively to support this transition phase. It was wonderful to finally gather at our Assembly last Friday and have all our girls back together again. I know that there is much ground to cover over the semester to come, but it is reassuring that we are able to share this journey together.
School Renewal Improvement Process
The Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office has a School renewal and improvement framework in place which has as a key element a quadrennial school review. Last week, five panellists joined our community for three days, to undertake a review of how we, as a College community, is progressing.
Throughout the review, a panel of five gathered information that will form a basis for a final report for the College. It was a valuable opportunity to hear from all members of staff, student groups and parent representatives as to ‘what is going well’ and ‘what are areas we could look at improving’. At the end of the three-day process, the initial feedback from the review panel was presented to staff and was very affirming of the great growth journey that has been undertaken at the College over recent years.
One particular area of strength that was resounding was the fact that St Saviour’s College is a place ‘where everybody knows your name’. St Saviour’s provides a warm and welcoming environment for young women, where they are known, they experience belonging, and are encouraged to do and be their best. I look forward to sharing the final report that will be published in the coming weeks, detailing the findings and subsequent commendations and recommendations.
Many thanks to all those involved in the process. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Mrs Megan Murphy who coordinated the three days.

Catholic Education Week
Friday, we gather as a community to celebrate Catholic Education Week which takes place across the Queensland, typically in Term 3, Week 3. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all 307 Catholic schools in Queensland to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos.
Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.
Due to the ongoing community restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, official events associated with Catholic Education Week 2020 have been cancelled. For the St Saviour’s College community, at our Mass held on Friday we acknowledged members of our community who uphold our mercy mission and ethos in the everyday way they carry out their work as students and staff members. There was one recipient from each year level, as well as a member of staff. Congratulations to the following most worthy members of our College community!
Year 7 -Bridget Staines, Year 8 - Eliza Morcom, Year 9 - Holly Anderson, Year 10 - Kirra Baker, Year 11 - Natalya MahYen, Year 12 - Keeley Crothers, & Staff Member - Mrs Mary Conaghan
While our celebration abided a Covid-19 Safe Plan, it was wonderful to share in the Eucharist for the first time since our Opening Mass.
How apt that the theme that was to be for this year, is now going to be adopted for 2021 – “A spirited tomorrow”. We look forward to the full complements of events being reinstated during Catholic Education Week next year.

Grandparents’ Day
"Grey hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” (Proverbs 16:31)
Coinciding with our Catholic Education Week Mass was our Grandparents’ Day celebrations. Grandparents’ Day provides for us a time to honour our precious grandparents who remain such pivotal ‘wisdom figures’ in our lives, both in their life and even when they have passed. Even though my own grandparents have been gone for many moons now, I often think of them and pray through them during the difficult times in my life. While much of their story is now family folklore, I pride myself on who they were and give thanks that I am a branch on their tree. I look forward to meeting with many of our grandparents on Friday and give thanks for the gift you are to our girls and their families.
If you haven’t already done so, please visit our Facebook page – “St Saviour’s College, Toowoomba” and view the 10 ‘chapters’ of life at St Saviour’s! It is wonderful insight into life at the College, starring all our mercy girls.
In addition, myself, Ms Smeed and selected students have been making visits to our local Catholic feeder schools to share the great news stories about St Saviour’s and what it means to be a ‘mercy girl’.
If you do receive any enquiries from friends, neighbours and relatives regarding enrolments, please kindly pass these onto the College so that we might take potential students on a tour!
We pray for the repose of the soul of Emily and Carla Murphy’s brother, Darryl, who passed away in recent weeks, and Georgia Bartlett’s grandmother, Mary Bartlett, who passed away last week.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, may your perpetual light shine upon them, may they rest in peace. Amen.
Blessings to each of you and your families for the term to come.
Sharon Collins
Deputy Principal - Curriculum

Electives for Semester two
Semester Two sees elective changes for students in Year 7 – 10. Year 7 and 8 students rotate through the set elective pathways which can be seen below -

Year 9 and 10 students have selected their electives for Semester Two during the subject selection process in 2019. Selections include Art, Business, Dance, Japanese, Drama, Geography, Music and Design.
For students in Year 9 and 10, the subject change period is now open. This means that if students would like to change electives, they are welcome to come and see me at Student Services before or after school or during break times. They will receive a form which needs to be signed by both the relevant subject teachers and their parent/carer before the subject change can take place. All elective subject changes need to be completed by Thursday 30th July (week 3).
For students in Year 11 students it is important that these subject selections are sorted as quickly as possible to allow students the most success in senior school. If students are considering changing subjects, please encourage them to come and see me as soon as possible so we can discuss the most suitable options.
Semester One 2020 Academic Awards
The Semester One Academic Awards celebration will take place on Friday 7th August during assembly (10:50 – 11:20am). This ceremony will celebrate students who achieved outstanding results on their Semester One / Unit One report cards. All parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Academic Interviews
This week we have been conducting our Year 12 academic interviews. These interviews are run by a member of the College staff and focus on student progress to date, goal setting and areas of improvement and future pathway options. Year 11 academic interviews are scheduled for week 3 and 4. Details about the timings of these interviews were emailed parents/carers at the end of last term. If you have any questions about these interviews or would like to RSVP please contact
Year 9-11 2021 subject selection
Online subject selection for students in Year 11 2021 will open this Friday, 24th July, while subject selection for Years 9 and 10 in 2021 will open next week. All students will be emailed the link to follow in order to select their subjects. Once complete, the site will produce a subject selection receipt. Please print a copy of this receipt, sign in the required fields (student and parent/carer) and return these signed receipts to Student Services. Subject selections are due by Friday 7th August. If your daughter requires any assistance with this process, please direct her to Student Services.
The subject information evening for current Year 10 students was held on Monday night. The night was held both on campus and via live stream. Thank you to all the parents and students who attended. SET Plan interviews will take place in week 6. More information about the dates and times of these interviews will be sent to parents, via email, next week. If you have any questions about senior pathways or careers please do not hesitate to contact Mr Chris Grierson or myself at
Year 12 external exam block
The QCAA has officially released the Year 12 External Exam block for General subjects 2020. This exam block was emailed to all Year 12 students and their caregivers last week. The exam block runs from Monday 26th October to Tuesday 17th November. More information regarding these exams at St Saviour’s will be released closer to Term Four; however, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Tutoring runs for all students from Year 7-12 on Thursday afternoons from 3:15-4:30pm in the library. Everyone is welcome to attend.
If you have further questions about any of the information above, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College or at
Jen Smeed
Deputy Principal
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing

Faith and Mission
We are well into winter, as our days shorten, and our socks get thicker. We are reminded to stay warm and continue to follow good hygiene practices, as we make a prayer for walking forward together through winter. In the midst of Winter, when the days are cold and wind can pierce, remind us of the warmth of your love.

NAIDOC Week ~ “Always was, always will be”
2020 gives us a unique opportunity to celebrate NAIDOC Week twice! Due to COVID-19, July NAIDOC Week was postponed until 5 - 18 November but many Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples have celebrated NAIDOC Week from the first Sunday to second Sunday in July, honouring William Cooper’s legacy, and we will do so again in November. Celebrations over the last fortnight included deep listening, to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders who shared quotes on the personal meaning of ‘Always Was, Always Will Be”.

YARNing circle started this week in the boarding house, which is quite apt, given the recent NAIDOC Week celebrations. The boarding House was alive with colour last week, as the girls enthusiastically began knitting their scarves and other woolen items, under the watchful eye of our seasoned knitters. We even have our Business Manager, Mrs Zoe Marks doing a knitting stint with the girls – I think I will have to join them and pick up a few tips!

Grandparent’s Mass
This Friday, we acknowledge and celebrate our Grandparents and significant elders in our lives, with our annual Grandparent’s Mass and Morning Tea. We will also be acknowledging the staff and students of the College who epitomise the spirit of Catholic education in relation to their continued commitment to the values of hospitality, compassion, justice and excellence. Below are a few of our treasured students, Maryam, Abigail & Abby with their grandparents.

Youth Ministry
As the “heads, hearts and the hands of Jesus”, we continue to walk forward in faith, following in the footsteps of Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy. This semester, Youth Ministry continues to thrive by providing even more opportunities to live out the College Mercy values of Justice, Excellence, Compassion and Hospitality. Our rich program this semester includes outreach meals prepared for Tony’s Kitchen, as we begin our 'Mercy Kitchen Kindness' initiative. Students will take part in a cooking afternoon once a month, preparing hearty hot meals for those in our community who experience homelessness. As well as this, we continue our partnership work with St Vincent de Paul. This includes a donation campaign for their annual Winter Appeal. Donations of the items listed below can be left at Student Services.

Wellbeing Hub
This term we welcome Josh Waters, Education Officer; Indigenous Support to the College three days a week. Josh has been based in the Wellbeing Hub Monday to Wednesday for Weeks One and Two, whilst our boarders from remote communities’ transition back into the day school. The second part of his role will be supporting our learning support team in the classroom, by assisting students with academic support to facilitate their return to face to face teaching and learning. Josh is a wonderful addition to the College Pastoral team.
Faith and Wellbeing in the class context
This term our Year 7 students explored how the faith and life of believers can be expressed through prayer. They reflected upon prayer experiences in class and create a meditative prayer for the class. Students explored a wide range of themes such as body love, gratitude, forgiveness and even reflecting on the selflessness of our front-line workers. This culminates a very impressive start to high school for our Year 7s!

For everyday, I give thanks - God Bless.
Heather Hagemann
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing
Assistant Principal - Administration

Virtual Open Day
I hope you are enjoying our Virtual Open day videos. We launched the videos on our Facebook page last Wednesday and have released one a day, at 5.00pm over the week, with our last video posted on July 23. The videos capture, our Principal’s message, our Boarding facilities, our Transition to secondary school program and our English, Mathematics, Science, IT, Sport, Design, Business and Hospitality departments and our Cultural and Faith pursuits.
Our Virtual Open day series is also available for viewing on our website. We are very proud of our series of videos as they showcase the high-quality educational experiences on offer at the College, our co-curricular program, and our modern boarding facilities.

Athletics Carnival
Due to COVID our Athletics Carnival did not take place this Wednesday, but Mr. Leathart has organised an alternative version that ensures our jumpers, runners and throwers still get to compete. The program is run during our Wednesday afternoon sport which kicked off this week. Stay posted for updates.

Grandparents Morning
On Friday, as a part of our Catholic Education Week celebrations, we will be hosting our Grandparents Mass and Morning Tea. Due to COVID-19 restrictions our Mass and morning tea will be held in the Callaghan Centre. We look forward to meeting some new grandparents and welcoming back those who enjoy catching up with their granddaughters at this annual event.
Linda Creedon
Assistant Principal - Administration

- There is a designated entry and exit for the library.
- Sanitiser is available at the entry and exit for use.
- Our cleaner is available to wipe desks and handles, etc. after each class/break.
- Books will only be returned through the system once a week to allow time and cleaning to occur. Students may return when needed.
- Borrowing may still occur through the online catalogue (check out how, below) OR you may browse in the library during break times.
- Browsing in the library – LOOK with your eyes, if you do pick a book up to read during break please return it to the Returns box so it can be cleaned before going back on the shelf.
- Students are to use the desks for work and reading at break times. NO sitting on the floor or cubes.
- There is to be only one student per desk/workspace at any time.
- No furniture is to be moved.
New books
Peruse the images of the new books below. Look them up on the catalogue (online library) to find out more about them
Picture Books

Non-fiction Books

Graphic Books

Senior Fiction books designated for Year 10-12 students

How to Borrow online
If you would like one, reserve it through the online library. Make sure you sign in through the Single Sign On in the top right corner of the screen.

Once you have found a book you click on the image in the results screen and drag it up to the Reserves in the menu bar:
Issue 5 is being distributed this week to Year 7 students.
Extra copies of the bookclub pamphlet will be available in the library OR you can look at the issue online:
ALL ordering for book club for our school is done online via the LOOP system on the Scholastic website.
To order you go to the online site, register with LOOP payments as a Parent (if you haven’t already), order online under our school and pay. The order will then come to the school and will be distributed to your child/ren.
There will be spare copies in the library for any other students who are interested. The issue is also on the website and available to be downloaded from there.
By registering for our school, rewards points are allocated for every $1 sold. This means resources can be purchased for our school library and all students benefit from this opportunity.
Please consider purchasing from the Scholastic Book Club and support our school and our school library; you are supporting improved access to relevant and up-to-date resources.
Andrea King
Teacher Librarian
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey, they are home.” – Anna Quindlen

Netball has resumed for Term 3. The College has 3 teams that play within the different competitions. All students playing should continue to check notices from Mrs Schulze regarding your commitment to training and games. If you have not done so already, please finalise your payment through Student services. A copy of the draw for both competitions is available through the Toowoomba Netball Association website. For any questions please contact the Sport office.

Unfortunately, many of the athletics and cross-country events have been cancelled or postponed for 2020. However, the reboot to school sport for 2020 has some sports able to return this year for various representative sports. Due to COVID 19 many of these sports or activities are more non-contact or can be modified so play can continue. Students should contact the sport office if they wish to gain more details about representative school sport.
Athletics rotations will be being week 2 after the 'welcome back ball games' competition held during week 1. Student participation is the key, the students in years 7-10 will rotate each week through various activities and events with all the results recorded going towards the athletics carnival winner for 2020. Senior Students will get a chance through lunch times and our Mini Olympics afternoon in Week 8, more details to follow soon.
Training for this competition has started and the students involved will need to play 5 games against various schools before the end of term. Permission forms and draw information will be available from the Sports Office in the coming days.

The race is on for the final few activities for our house-based competition. Goretti have been the dominant house behind this shield but 2020 is a different story with one house just starting to extend their lead. The shield will be presented has part of the Awards during the final assembly at the end of this term.
Greg Leathart
Middle Leader Sports and Activities
McAuley Boarding House

Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though a war break out against me, even then I will be confident. Psalm 27:3
Welcome, welcome, welcome! Over the past week we have welcomed all our beautiful, courageous, and brave young women back into McAuley House. For some, this journey has meant 16 weeks at home, learning through their families, local community networks and rich Australian environments. I had the privilege of travelling to Cairns to assist with travel arrangements for our northern indigenous community and island students. It was a blessing to be able to meet with families and discuss the impact that the events of 2020 have had thus far. Hearing of the concern, worry and trepidation about the return to a populated school environment for these loved ones, was and is a reality. I was privileged to learn of their concerns and thoughts, their hopes and dreams for their daughters, grand-daughters, nieces, sisters. It was a sacred time at the Cairns airport to be able to share with our extended community.
We have all 36 of our girls back with us in boarding and all are adjusting to the new cleaning and living arrangements as we navigate the restrictions placed on residential care facilities. We continue to ask for your support from home when communicating with your daughters, reaffirming the routines and processes we have in place. This will help staff and students to comply with the regulations that have been submitted for our COVID-19 SAFETY PLAN. I must say, although the girls have, at times, challenged processes such as eating and having food in their rooms, they have been respectful, following through once an explanation has been given. These rules and regulations will be revisited regularly, in consultation with the federal and state health and education governing bodies.
We will be showcasing some of our students' holiday break through our College newsletter. These are accounts and photographs provided by our young women of their homes, communities and loved ones. We have such a diversely rich young group and we would love for you to know them and where they are from better.

Eliza Daphney- Year 8, Kowanyama, North Queensland
What I did at home for 16 weeks - So, I went fishing camping and swimming. Then I came back into town and went to the school; did my homework, after school I went to the oval and I was playing footy with my sisters and brothers. The next day I went back out camp and stayed out there for a week or two. Then I came back in and was just baby sitting.

Lily Barrington - Year 9, Cunnamulla, Queensland
My time during the holidays was spent catching up on sleep, TV and spending time with my family. I frequently cooked dinner for my mum and I, baked lots of cakes, slices, and sweets for my family and overall, I can proudly say my cooking skills have improved. Every weekend I would go driving with my uncle and little cousin. We would go out to the old pony club and I would drive around dirt roads through the bush. My uncle would tell us stories of his childhood and growing up a small-town boy. The one thing I loved the most was seeing my dogs. I also cannot forget about spending time with my family and helping my mum with her business (which gave me so much insight into how hard my mum works).
Overall, being at home was filled of good times, laughter, and learning.

With all the boarders returning, we have identified cases of headlice. Due to this, we will be contacting parents and caregivers, and administering treatment to all girls. Please contact the boarding house directly if you require further information. Please access the link attached for further information regarding head lice.

Boarding Sport and Activities
Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who have provided written permission for their daughter to attend sport and activities off campus. If you have not sent through these confirmations, please do so as soon as possible. All activities are to provide us with their COVID-19 SAFETY PLANS to resume, and we are confident that these organizations are doing all they can to resume as best back to normal. If you require further information, please contact the boarding house.
Jesse Bolton
McAuley Boarding House Manager

St Saviour’s is partnering with UNSW Global to reward and recognise academic achievement. This year, students will participate in the prestigious ICAS Assessments, allowing them to apply their higher-order thinking skills and gain recognition for their efforts.
Students in Year 7-10 will have opportunity to participate in ICAS English, Science, Mathematics and Digital Technologies as well as a Year 7 Spelling Bee.

We encourage you to consider entering your child in ICAS. This fantastic assessment program allows students’ to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3.

You can now pay for ICAS online! To confirm your child’s participation, visit and enter our unique school code DVM900 to make a direct payment to UNSW Global.
Online payment closes on 02/08/2020.

Students of Year 9, 10 and 11 and their carers are invited to attend the St Saviour’s College Pathway Information Evening on 3rd August beginning at 6pm.
At this event, the many pathway study options available to St Saviour’s College students will be covered. These include
- Exciting new initiatives The Health Hub and Rural Operations Course
- Traineeships and Apprenticeships
- TAFE Certificate Courses
- Vocational Training Certificate Courses
- Head Start
The event will be held in the Callaghan Centre at the College as well as streamed online for those unable to attend.
To ensure COVID compliance, all attendees (both in-person and virtually) will be required to book in.
This can be done at the following link.
Chris Grierson
Middle Leader - VET