St Saviour's College Newsletter 2023 - Term 4 Week 8

Awards Celebration
Last Friday, our year culminated at the Annual Awards Presentation. This event celebrated the many achievements of the students who consistently pursue excellence. It was a wonderful opportunity to gather with dignitaries, staff, students, families and friends of the College, to celebrate the many achievements of our young women over the year, from sporting to cultural, service, and academic. I am always astounded by the level of involvement of our students and the array of talented staff and students we have. Special thanks to those involved in the organisation of this great event. It was an outstanding morning of joy and celebration of our many achievements across the year of 2023.
During my speech, I spoke of Catherine McAuley’s quote, “No work of charity can be more productive of good to society than the careful instruction of women”. It has been my joy and privilege across the past seven years to lead this careful instruction at St Saviour’s College.
In addition, I expressed the following:
“I have no doubt that my successors, the 2024 Executive Leadership Team, led by the fearless Mrs Jessica Wade and her most capable team, Ms Eleighta Hannam, Ms Leah Dempster, Ms Nicole Booth and Mrs Megan Schulze, will dutifully lead the College into a new era of innovation and success …
“I thank our parents and families for entrusting your young women to us. To share our roles in the careful instruction of these young women is a privilege.
“I offer a depth of gratitude to my exceptional colleagues, our dedicated teaching staff and support staff, and our incredible boarding staff.
“I am also indebted to our College Board and our College P&F, which next year, will be redefined to form a Parent Engagement Network. To the Toowoomba Catholic Schools, we are eternally grateful for the support received from you.
Further on, I concluded:
“I give thanks for our Mercy Girls and for the gift they are to all of us. I am going to miss each and every one of you. Sometimes you just have to heed the call. Interestingly, when I visited the chapel at the International House of Mercy in Dublin, I received a sign that I was going to be okay without you. In the Chapel, a beautiful place where Catherine would have prayed, there was a stain glass window of St Catherine of Siena, the patron saint of my next school. Moving onto my next step of the journey, I know that both Catherines walk with me, I know the blessing of this beloved community walks with me, and I know fully that our loving God walks with me also. Thank you to all of you for the joy and the love I have been blessed to receive across the past seven years.”
Needless to say, my time at St Saviour’s has been incredible and I carry in my prayers all who I have journeyed with throughout this special time in my life.
Staffing 2024
As you would appreciate, the acquisition of quality staff is pivotal to the College’s success and ongoing performance improvement agenda. In previous newsletter, both Mrs Wade and myself have announced roles for 2024. Further new appointments have been made. I am pleased to announce the following people to the roles below:
- Chris Blomquist – Business Manager.
- Rachel Kim – HPE Teacher.
- Fabiana Wilson – Part time Design and Fashion Teacher.
- Sue Pike – Part time Science/Maths Teacher.
- Lori Potts – Library School Officer.
- Ellen Weeding – School Officer Assisted Student Learning.
We warmly welcome all these people and look forward to the gifts they will bring to the College.
And, sadly, we farewell:
Mrs Xenia Taylor – in her short time at the College, Xenia has been exceptional. She has worked diligently to streamline processes around finances and general operations. Xenia has been a valued member of the Executive Leadership Team. We wish Xenia and her family well for their relocation to Kingaroy.
Mr Will Wigan – Will has been an excellent addition to the College. For an early careers teacher, he has built wonderful rapport with students and students. In addition, Will has coached a number of teams and has demonstrated great commitment to the girls and their engagement with sport. We wish him all the best as he moves across to Downlands.
Miss Harriette Spork – in our 150th year of Mercy education, there have been many celebrations, and Harriette has done an incredible job with events and marketing. Her creativity and attention to detail has been most appreciated and we wish Harriette all the best for her future.
Miss Elysse Thomas – Elysse has been a wonderful School Officer this year and has been a great support for teachers and learners in the classroom. We wish Elysse all the very best as she continues with her education degree. We know she will go on to be a fine teacher.
Ms Katey Parker – Katey has stepped in across a number of acting teaching roles this year and she has always undertaken every role with professionalism and great care. She built wonderful relationships with both staff and students and we thank her for her agility and willingness to serve the needs of the College.
Mrs Heather Hagemann – Heather will be remaining at the Sunshine Coast. We give thanks to Heather for her time at the College as Assistant Principal: Mission and Wellbeing and wish her all God’s blessings for the future.
May God bless each of you.
College Magazine and Calendar
This week, your daughters should have delivered home the 2023 College Magazine and 2023 College Calendar. Both these publications are credited to the talents of Mrs Kerri Prentice. Enjoy! They are a great representation and celebration of the extraordinary personality that is ‘St Saviour’s College’. If you are yet to receive these publications, please contact the office.
Happy Holidays
It is an honour to lead a community that has just fulfilled its 150th year, serving as the oldest secondary school in Toowoomba, in the spirit of Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy. To the young women of St Saviour’s College, thank you for being our reason for being. Thank you for the infectious joy you bring to our College and for the way in which you commit yourself to all you undertake. Thank you to our dedicated staff for your unwavering commitment to your educational ministry. Catherine McAuley said it best when she proclaimed, “You must be cheerful and happy, animating all around you”. Thank you for doing just that.
For each of us, may our prayer for the ensuing Christmas season be that the mercy qualities of hospitality, compassion, justice and excellence direct us in all that we undertake. Safe travels to our boarding students and to those on the roads over the holidays. May integrity always continue to be our strength.
Blessings for a joyous festive season with family and friends. May the celebration of Christ’s birth serve as a reminder to each of us that life is full of endless surprises, joy and the opportunity to see hope for the future.
Thanks for a wonderful seven years, for me, it has been both a joy and a blessing; a personal and professional highlight of my life.
Once a Mercy girl, always a Mercy girl.
Blessings for days to come.
Sharon Collins
Deputy Principal - Curriculum

Christmas Blessings
Last Thursday evening, I took my two kids Harry and Charlotte to the Grand Central tree lighting to watch the Saviour’s Sisters sing. The first thing Harry said as we walked in to hear their beautiful voices, was ‘Look mum, it’s your girls singing!’ And I was just so proud! There were many of our students gathered to watch, either with boarders or with their families. I have to say what a lovely way to spend the afternoon and into the evening - the girls sounded incredible, and I was amazed at their repertoire (and how many Christmas carols you have or sing to fill a thirty minute time slot!) Well done Mrs Potter and the Saviour’s Sisters.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all families a Merry Christmas. I hope you are able to carve time to be together in the spirit of Christmas - a time of wonder, giving and time to be with loved ones.
Students in all Year levels will receive reports at the end of this term.
Year 7-9 Report Cards
Students in Year 7-9 will receive their Semester Two report card in Week 9. These report cards will provide information and feedback on their learning across this semester in their subjects. These reports also include a comment from your child’s Homeclass teacher and an overview of what has been learned this semester.
Year 10-11 Interim Report Cards
Year 10-11 Interim Report Cards provide a short snapshot of student learning in Term 4. Given that students have only just begun their Unit 1/3 learning, this feedback will just provide a guide to students and parents on student progress to date.
Some subjects have completed assessment this term and some have not. This completion of assessment depends on the senior syllabus requirement of that subject and how much content was required to be taught before students could begin the assessment task. Because of this variation, you will see that your daughter may have marks for some subjects and not for others. The Senior Science subjects have all completed their 10% data tests, English and SOR have completed their first assessments. Where a subject has not completed assessment, a Not Yet Assessed grade will be shown on the report card.
Subject Allocations and Booklists
Earlier this term, all students and parents in Years 8, 9 and 10 have been emailed their 2024 subject allocations. These allocations will be required when filling booklist requirements for the 2024 school year.
You can find a link to the booklists for your daughter’s Year level here:
Celebrating Student Achievement
Last Friday, we celebrated many of our students across the fields of learning, sport, community engagement, the Arts and service. It was a wonderful celebration of our student body and the values our College holds so close. Congratulations to all the award recipients and thank you so much to all of the families who were able to attend.
Jessica Wade
Deputy Principal - Curriculum
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing

Another school year has passed and there have been so many triumphs to celebrate for each individual. I hope that when students flick through the College magazine they reflect on the year and take in what a wonderful year it has been. Sometimes in our busy lives with all the stresses, it is so easy to not stocktake all the wonderful accomplishments we have had over the 365 days. The College awards morning forced me to reflect on all the highlights from 2023, the ones we sometimes forget or which get overshadowed. It made me so proud to be a part of this College and our Mercy girls’ journey and makes me excited for 2024.
Last Wednesday, we welcomed 43 of our 2024 Year 7 students to Orientation Day. The girls participated for Mercy Shield points through a series of activities that got them familiar with their Houses, each other, the College surroundings, and senior students. The girls showed true Mercy Girl spirit and we are so excited to welcome this cohort next year.

Our Year 11s have just returned from their Leadership Camp at Brookfield and are ready to lead the College in 2024. I had the privilege to work with them when they returned on the Friday around what their leadership will look like. I challenged the cohort to invest in the Servant Leadership Model and consider what they can do for the community which has given them so much over the past 5 years. Their ideas and enthusiasm have promised 2024 to be a cracker of a year and they have much in store for the rest of the cohorts.

On Thursday, before the SRC Running of the Inspirational Female Colour Run, we gathered as a community one last time for prayer. Our Christmas Liturgy asked the students to reflect on what is the true meaning of Christmas. We were blessed to have Fr Nathan and the Choir bring to life the Christmas Carols and bring the Christmas Spirit to the SSC Community. Our prayer for this Christmas Season:
May there be harmony in all our relationships.
May we give and receive love generously.
May each person who comes into our lives be greeted as another Christ.
May the hope of this sacred season settle in our souls.
May the bonds of love for one another be strengthened as we gather with family and friends.
May we daily open the gift of our life and be grateful for the hidden treasures it contains.
May we keep our eyes on the star within us and trust this Presence to guide and direct us each day.
May we go often to the Bethlehem of our hearts and visit the One who offers us peace.
May we bring this peace into our world.

The Choir and Fr Nathan performing at the SSC Christmas Liturgy.

Spreading joy this Christmas ... Julie Inskip from St Vincent De Paul accepts donations of Christmas gifts and food from students at the College Christmas Liturgy.
Not only did we get ready to say our goodbyes to our Year 10 and 11 students and all our boarders, but also departing staff. One staff member who we farewelled with great sadness was Principal Ms Collins. Students gifted Ms Collins with many items that she will need for her ‘sea change’ to the Sunshine Coast that will also remind her of the past 7 years at the College.
“We begin with a shawl. Catherine McAuley’s infamous yoke was one that was light. She wore it around her shoulders and was quick to offer it to others; she offered it to envelope the poor and needy in compassion, love and care. So many of us have been privileged to be enveloped by the warmth of your love and care in our time here. But considering that you’re heading to the sunny coast for a beachside life, we thought a different kind of shawl might be more suitable.
The Sisters of Mercy were famously referred to as the walking nuns, named so because of their countercultural commitment to practically living their faith by reaching beyond the cloisters of their convents and serving the communities in which they lived. They walked the streets looking for practical ways to help the needy in their community. So too, you will need shoes for the journey, but like the shawl, we thought nailed boots might have been a tad uncomfortable and impractical. So, accept these thongs as a reminder of the practicality with which Catherine and you have lived your mission - with a knowledge that ‘the poor need help today, not next week’.
Next, we offer you these sunglasses. These sunnies prepare you for the glaring road ahead. They will help you to look to new horizons, to gaze on fresh opportunities with clarity and vision. We know that your eyes will be hope-filled, fixed on a clear horizon, and always resolving to being good today and better tomorrow.
Hospitality is one of our core values. Thank you, Ms Collins, for the way you have ensured each one of us has been welcomed in the spirit of Mercy hospitality. Your warmth, care and genuine desire to make others feel at home in your presence has offered shade and relief from many a sunny sky that sometimes burns too hot. Take this umbrella as a reminder that time spent with guests is never wasted, especially when it’s under a shady umbrella on the beach.
Finally, as a gift from this community, we want to offer you this book. It has been lovingly inscribed by each Homeclass with messages of gratitude, joy, affection and fortitude. Take this book, as a written testament of our great affection for you, our deep respect for you, and immense gratitude for all you have been to this community.”

To farewell Ms Collins we said our goodbyes and well wishes and asked God to hold her safely in his care:
God of Mercy,
Surround Ms Collins with your grace.
Bless her with hope so that she may move into the future with an eager and open heart.
Help her to use the wisdom, skills and learnings gained through her Mercy education and leadership of St Saviour’s for the good of her new community.
Inspire her to believe in the goodness of life even when faced with challenges and difficulties.
As she commences the next chapter of her life, may she grow even more empowered and wise,
We place this prayer in your loving care,
SRC Running of the Inspirational Female Colour Run

Have a wonderful break and please take the time to peruse the College Online Safety Hub:
This website has focused blogs and articles on Digital Wellbeing that help parents feel empowered in this space. A couple of articles that might be helpful with the extended school break are from the Parent Advice and Online Safety Tech sections:
Setting children up safely online
I look forward to welcoming all the students back in January.
Megan Schulze
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing

Australian Mathematics Competition
In early August, a group of selected students from Years 7 to 10 enthusiastically took part in a 75-minute problem-solving competition featuring 30 distinct challenges meticulously crafted by esteemed educators and academics. The primary objective was to stimulate and test the mathematical problem-solving ability of these students. This competition was none other than the prestigious Australian Mathematics Competition, which stands as the longest-running and highly regarded mathematical contest in Australia. Over the years, it has captivated and inspired numerous generations of primary and secondary students, introducing them to the fascinating world of mathematical problem solving.
Questions were drawn from core curriculum areas which included:
- Basic arithmetic
- Fractions and ratios
- Algebra and pre-algebra
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Statistics and probability
- Problem-solving
Certificates of merit are awarded for each year level within a region as follows: participation, proficiency, credit, distinction and high distinction.
A proficiency certificate is awarded to a student who has demonstrated a sound level of achievement in mathematical problem solving. A credit certificate is awarded to a student has placed in the top 55% of their year level within the region. A distinction certificate is awarded to a student has placed in the top 20% of their year level within the region. A high distinction certificate is awarded to a student has placed in the top 3% of their year level within the region.
Students received their certificates at the end of last term and will be receiving detailed reports on how they went, specifically on each question.
Congratulations to all the students who participated and achieved either a participation, proficiency or credit certificate. A special congratulations to Hayley Norman (Year 8) for achieving the only distinction certificate as well as the ‘Best in School’ certificate.
YEAR 7: Vaishali Sondhi, Samantha Darlington, Ofly Nuguse, Nani Admassu, Emily Kuhn, Ajah Deng.
YEAR 8: Sophie Moore, Penny Sanders, Jathumitha Jesusebastian, Indiana Gartner, Hannah Fitzpatrick, Gianna Bijoy, Gabby Tomada, Emi Reuter, Clovelly Leonard, Ava Crighton.
YEAR 9: Sophie Neill, Sophia Stapleton, Indi Cavendish, Ella Giuffrida, Ashlyn Carter, Aleisha Webb, Abinaybi Araya.
YEAR 10: Paige Mills, Dimercia Kalenga.
YEAR 7: Sienna Tomada, Novena Va’a, Neda Mahdy, Lakshitha Muthuramalingam, Alexis Davies, Abigail Allan.
YEAR 8: Leen Zahlouk, Georgia Denny, Alina Bijoy.
YEAR 9: Katie Godsell, Charlee O’Hara.
YEAR 10: Abigail Lasserre.
YEAR 8: Hayley Norman.

Hayley Norman was awarded a distinction certificate and 'Best in School' certificate for her effort in the Australian Mathematics Competition.

Credit certificates.

Proficiency certificates.

Proficiency certificates and Hayley Norman with her Distinction certificate.

Proficiency certificates.
Library News

REMINDER: ALL resources are due back for Years 7-9 and all library books are due back for Years 10-11.
Please ensure you check what is out in your child’s name through our Library Web App. All students should know how to access this, if they don’t, please remind them to see Mrs King in the library.
The one time of year everything must be back. There is no borrowing of library resources over the Christmas break as we would like all resources returned to their home in the library so they can be checked over and audited for the year.
Overdue and recall notices will be sent out on an automated system to remind students to return all their resources. Any outstanding resources will have to be billed to replace.
New Resources
We have a variety of new resources that will be available for borrowing next year, so visit the library in the first week, or check out our first newsletter of next year to see our new resources.
In the meantime - check out our online catalogue for our eBooks and audiobooks - download and read on the go! Search as normal and look for the ‘e’ icon on the resource. Before the end of the term come and ask the library how to do this.
Christmas Time Display
Come in and check out our display.

Keep Calm and Read … over the holidays
Want to Know How to Help Your Child/ren Read Over the Holidays????
If you don’t keep reading you may lose the gains made in reading competency and fluency over the year at school. Stop the SUMMER SLIDE!
A Baltimore study showed 65% of the reading achievement gap between 9th graders of low and high socio-economic standing could be traced to what they learned - or failed to learn - over their childhood summers (Kim & Quinn, 2013).
Reading can help teens:
- deal with their increasingly complex world and understand some of the adult issues they will have to grapple with
- know they are not alone - others may be thinking and feeling the way they do
- open lines of communication - especially if parents, teachers, librarians provide opportunities to discuss what teens are reading
- share and see how others have found solutions to problems
- develop their vocabulary
- broaden their imaginations
- improve their writing
- deal with the increasing demands of schoolwork
- gain confidence when speaking.
What Barriers Need to be Overcome to Help Summer Reading?
Research indicates a variety of barriers prevent students reading over the summer holidays, including:
- lack of access to books and other reading resources
- low choice and lack of appropriate high-interest material
- lack of reading skills and consequent low self-efficacy
- negative attitudes to reading (readers are boring, reading is boring)
- no opportunity to practice reading
- lack of reading role-models and encouragement to read.
(National Library of New Zealand, 2023)
All easily overcome with visiting the local library or the school online library and accessing material.
The Australian Scholastic ‘Kids and family reading report’ (2016) found the following:
- 92% of 15 to 17-year-olds and 90% of 12 to 14-year-olds most enjoyed books they'd chosen for themselves. They are also much more likely to finish reading them.
- Around 70% of teens would read more if they could find more books they liked.
What Can You Do?
- Set aside 10 minutes a day to read - including yourself. Make it a social event - discuss, talk and read together.
- Make sure it is something they are interested in - it is about reading for pleasure.
- It doesn’t matter if it is an ‘easy read’ - as long as they read and enjoy then finish the book!
- Provide access to books - borrow a lot from the local library, have books on display for easy access.
- If you can, build your own home library.
- Give books as gifts.
- Visit secondhand bookstores.
- Visit the community libraries around town e.g. Clifford Gardens.
- Enjoy the Christmas break and KEEP ON READING. See you next year in the library.
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body and prayer is to the soul." Matthew Kelly
Stay safe and keep reading.
Andrea King
Teacher Librarian
From the Careers Centre

Student Success
We are proud to share the story of Tennille, who has successfully completed a three-day work experience in the electrical field. She had the opportunity to learn from the experts at Rheeder's Electrical and Air-Conditioning, who generously supported our initiative to expose more girls to the exciting world of trades. Tennille showed great enthusiasm, curiosity and skill during her placement, and we are confident that she has a bright future ahead of her. If you are interested in pursuing a School Based Apprenticeship, please contact our Careers Team for more information. We are here to help you achieve your goals and dreams. #girlsintrades

Tennille Prause on work experience at Rheeder's Electrical and Air-Conditioning.
UniSQ Headstart Program
We had a great visit from Jaimie, UniSQ Career Outreach Officer, who came to our college to talk about the Headstart program. This program allows high school students to get a taste of university life and earn credits for their future studies. Jaimie shared her insights and tips on how to apply and succeed in the program. Thank you, Jaimie, for your time and expert advice. #unisq

UniSQ Discovery Day
A small group of our Year 9 students had a wonderful time at the UniSQ Discovery Day. They enjoyed exploring the campus, meeting the staff and students, and learning about the different courses and opportunities available at UniSQ. Thank you UniSQ for hosting us and inspiring our future career pathways!

Kimberley Benvenuti
Acting Career Development Practitioner

McAuley House Boarding News

Our Boarding family has had a very big year this year. Lots of fun times and laughter, lots of excursions and extra activities, and some very sad news that Boarding will close. Through all the ups and downs our girls show great care and compassion for each other and enormous resilience.
A big thank you to our girls and their families at home who put forth great effort and commitment to give the girls opportunities with their education at St Saviour’s. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Boarding families a merry and safe Christmas holiday season.
Friday was our College awards day and we celebrated the many awards our girls received for their hard work and commitment to their studies and school activities. Congratulations girls!
Weekend fun was a “cook up” where the girls spent the afternoon making their favourite treats to share.

Our “Resilience Rockstars” this month: Kyree Bamaga, Te'Arani Tranby and Hetta Murgha
These girls consistently show qualities of resilience, kindness and compassion. Congratulations girls!



Merry Christmas!

Nicole Booth
Boarding Manager
Southwest 7’s Rugby

The Southwest Rugby 7’s competition aims to give opportunities to experience a new sport while enjoying the time playing with your school mates in a social inter-school setting. This term we entered an U13 and an U15 team into this competition, with students from a range of experience levels signing up to give it a go.
The U13s are to be commended for their constant improvement throughout the term as they battled a difficult draw. Despite this, the team earned a position in a semi-final in the last round of fixtures with a chance to win the ‘plate’. The finals campaign started off with a fantastic 32-0 victory over Downlands Blue while Mary Mackillop awaited us in the big dance. The team was feeling the nerves and anticipation of this big game but didn’t get frightened by the occasion, saving their best performance for last earning a 33-5 victory in a thrilling game. Congratulations to all involved in the team.

U13 Rugby 7's Team ... Back row (l-r): Hanisi Pene (Hydration Specialist), Adela Feza, Joyce Litidamu, Hetta Murgha, Ofly Nuguse, Steff Coldstream, Will Wigan (coach). Front row: Rikeah Ross-Hart, Coretta Binge, Daeja Pene, Maddi Coldstream. Absent: Taya Fourmile.

Rugby 7's U13 Plate Champions.
The U15s are also to be commended for their constant improvement and hospitality as we welcomed students from Toowoomba State High School, TAS and St Joseph’s College into our team throughout the term. The team finished 11th overall, completing their season with a comprehensive victory over Highfields State Secondary College. Special mention to our manager Shari Dynevor and key players Lucinda Nomoa and Keasharn Sands-Hart who were unfortunately sidelined with injuries.

U15 Rugby 7's Team ... Will Wigan (coach), Shari Dynevor (Manager), Rheanna Wapau, Meg Barry, Kyree Bamaga, Liahni Naylon. Absent: Macie Creevey, Kye Flinders and Angel-May Monagle.
Japanese Host Family Required
2024 School Bus Passes
New Uniform Supplier