St Saviour's College Newsletter Term 3 Week 4
Congratulations to our College Principal
Ms Sharon Collins
Our College Principal, Ms Sharon Collins, has again been recognised
for her exemplary leadership of St Saviour’s College.
Earlier this month, Ms Collins was recognised by the Australian Council
of Educational Leadership for her outstanding leadership of a diverse school and her incredible contribution to the College and the broader educational landscape.
It is a wonderful and befitting accolade for Ms Collins, who has been an unwavering advocate for the Mercy values of Hospitality, Mercy and Excellence.
This award is in addition to her ACEL Leadership Award from earlier this year for ‘excellent educational leadership in developing and implementing a significant educational initiative, conducting research or influencing educational policy.’ (ACEL)
Here is an excerpt from the award commendation:
Sharon Collins
Sharon Collins is the Principal of St Saviour's College. She has made an outstanding contribution to educational leadership in a highly diverse school. Under Sharon’s guidance, St Saviour’s has become regarded as a high-performing school with ever-improving academic results and high enrolment growth. In 2019 St Saviour’s was recognised as the third most improved school in Queensland for performance in NAPLAN. The College has also increased its enrolment significantly under Sharon’s leadership, at an average annual rate of 26% across the past three years. St Saviour’s is an all-girls Catholic boarding school, with a 26% indigenous population, and 24% of students from a language background other than English. St Saviour’s attracts students from Papua New Guinea and throughout Queensland and NSW, especially from the communities in the far north and western Queensland. Sharon’s leadership of a diverse community has attracted much interest from leadership teams throughout the state and nationally. What stands behind this is her inherent belief that all students, irrespective of their background, deserve a liberating education.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4: 7)
Undoubtedly, anyone who has been following the Tokyo 2020 Olympics across the past few weeks would have to agree that you don’t have to look far to realise that hard work most certainly pays off when it comes to living one’s best life in the pursuit for excellence. I have been able to use many of the stories that come out of the Olympics as fodder for invaluable teachable moments (possibly to the dismay of some less willing listeners). Be it the incredible journey of Ariane Titmus and Coach Dean Boxall, or the jubilant dual gold medal victory in the men’s High Jump, these tales of triumph appeal to our nature that ‘regular’ human beings are capable of incredible feats. I don’t think we can underestimate the importance of these lessons, which are so easily translatable in terms of the commitment, persistence, and resilience, which are dispositions especially applicable to our approach to learning.
As I said on last week’s assembly, what I especially love about the Olympics is that each person competing has their story of struggle and triumph. The fact that all the signage still reads Tokyo 2020 (not 2021) is another reminder that this Olympics is full of heroes and champions who have fought the odds, adding another year onto their training, in pursuit of personal excellence.
I challenge all our students to embark on their own pursuit for excellence. We recognise that each person at St Saviour’s College has a story and we are personally invested in these stories. I particularly admire those in our community who experience hardship, and repeatedly turn up to school, persisting to build their future and personal excellence.
So, to our students, keep fighting the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith, and you will earn for yourselves the crown of personal excellence. And nothing feels better!

Academic Awards
Congratulations to our Titration, Binnacle Training, Aurora Training, Gold, Silver and Bronze award recipients who were acknowledged at Thursday’s Semester One Academic Assembly. We recognise and celebrate your commitment, persistence, and resilience. Well done and thank you for inspiration.
Covid-19 Update
Correspondence was sent earlier this week via the Parent Portal pertaining to the current Covid situation in Queensland. At this point in time, as a College, we continue business as usual. We have a small number of students isolated at home in affected LGAs until 4pm on Sunday, and staff are working with these students in relation to their learning, via email, Canvas and Teams.
We are prepared for a sudden movement into online learning, if required. Staff, students, and families will be given more details as the situation unfolds.
There have been some event postponements and cancellations, and we will continue to advise our SSC community as required. Streaming options have become available for our larger gatherings involving parents, such as Pathways Information Night that occurred on Monday, and our Academic Awards Assembly that took place on Thursday.
At this stage, the Athletics Carnival is still going ahead next Friday 15 August. You will be notified if this changes.
Thank you to all the staff and students who are adhering to government directives in relation to staying at home and the wearing of masks. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Any concerns or questions you may have, I encourage you to keep referring back to the website, or feel free to contact me directly on
Prayers Please
We pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Norris, sister of Sr Margaret Norris rsm, former teacher at St Saviour’s College. Joan was a former student of St Saviour’s College. She was a beautiful, devout woman, who passed away at 92, having lived a full and faith-filled life for others. Her funeral was a wonderful celebration of her life, and I thank Year 9 students Erika, Injil, Millie and Jennifer who attended the funeral with me, and represented the College so respectfully.
May eternal rest grant unto Joan, O Lord, may your perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace. Amen.
Blessings for the coming weeks.
Sharon Collins

Deputy Principal - Curriculum

Year 10 into 11 Subject Selections and SET Plans
Students in Year 10 are now nearing the point where their subject selections for 2022 need to be made. These selections are important in ensuring the completion of the QCE and that learning in the senior phase is meaningful, motivating and empowering. If your daughter needs more guidance in selecting subjects, please encourage her to come and see Mr Grierson or myself to discuss her future goals and pathways.
This week, Mrs Lisa Cocks sent out the information regarding SET Plan interviews for your daughters. Given the uncertainty that COVID regulations provide, these can be enacted flexibly with you joining us either in person, by video link or by phone. Please contact Mrs Cocks and advise her on your preferred mode of meeting.
Year 9 and 10 Subject Selection 2022
Students in Years 8 and 9 were provided with Subject Selection Handbooks last week to begin the discernment process around which subjects they might like to study in Years 9 and 10. Students should consider the following concepts when choosing subjects for the middle years of schooling:
- Subjects that feed their passions. Passion is the thing that gets us out of bed in the morning, and lights fires in our belly. If your daughter has a passion for a certain subject area, encourage her to follow that passion.
- Subjects that provide pathways for the future. If your daughter is interested in following a media arts, design or music pathway into the senior years and beyond, we encourage her to begin forging that pathway now, by choosing subjects that provide a link to her senior schooling pathway.
- Subjects that keep her options open. There are some subjects that require a full year of study in Year 10 to prepare students for the rigours of the senior subject. Japanese is a key subject that falls into this category. Without a full year of preparation, students will not have the knowledge and skills to succeed in the senior subject.
First Aid Course – 27 August
A reminder that monies and applications are now due for any student wishing to enrol in the First Aid Course. Students will attain a First Aid qualification, as well as two QCE points by participating in the course. The course has both theory and practical components and provides a micro-credential for students to take into the workforce. The course is open to all students in Years 10, 11 and 12. More information can be gained from Mrs Lisa Cocks in the Careers Office.
Year 12 Final Assessments and Mock Exam Block
Year 12 students will soon submit their final internal assessments for General subjects. This means that they will then begin preparations for their external examinations. This preparation has already begun in many subject areas. A key part of this preparation is the undertaking of trial examinations in Week 8 for students in general subjects. I encourage all Year 12 students in General subjects to ensure they are clear in the expectations of the trial exams and have a clear, consistent and substantive study regime in place well before the trial exam block is upon us. A reminder that the QCAA External Examination timetable is publicly available and can be found here (click on link below).
Academic Award Recipients
This week we celebrated our Academic Awardees by awarding Titration Certificates, Certificate IIIs in Business and Hospitality and our Gold, Silver and Bronze award recipients. It was absolutely wonderful to have past College Captain, College Dux and OP 1 student Jana DelaCruz speak to us via video link. She reminded us of the inextricable link between failure and our capacity to learn. It was wonderful to have such incredible honesty, vulnerability and inspiration as part of our proceedings for the day.
Jessica Wade
Deputy Principal
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing

Faith and Mission
We have just finished a wonderful week of celebrations for Catholic Education Week! We acknowledge the endless efforts our staff and students contribute, to celebrate the compassionate and caring approach to all in our community, especially those living in the margins. The Story of the Good Samaritan is one that immediately springs to mind when thinking of community. Staff and students from X1&2 put it aptly with their assembly prayer, by asking us all to reflect upon the actions of the Samaritan who stopped along the way. After he had given aid to the wounded man, he departed without expecting any recognition or gratitude. His effort to assist another person gave him great satisfaction in life and before his God, and thus became a duty. All of us have a responsibility for the wounded, those of our own people and all the peoples of the earth. Let us care for the needs of every man and woman, young and old, with the same fraternal spirit of care and closeness that marked the Good Samaritan.
- What is the new possibility resting in you now?
- When have you extended a helping hand to a stranger or friend?
- How can we all continue to be the “good neighbour” like the Good Samaritan?

Dear Lord,
Teach us to be a people whose lives mediate your love to others.
So open our eyes that we might see what the Good Samaritan saw,
the wisdom to know what to do, and the will to do it.
We pray for those who have been stripped of their feelings of worth,
deprived of the love and security of a warm, safe and happy home.
May they receive the future you have planned for them.
Youth Ministry

St Vincent de Paul Winter Sleepout.
On Friday night, our Youth Ministry team took up the challenge to accompany Mrs Hagemann, Mr Baines, Julie Inskip and our friends from St Mary’s and Good Samaritan College to the USQ for the annual St Vincent de Paul Winter Sleepout event. The Sleepout event raises awareness for those experiencing homelessness and much needed funds of over $10000 were raised for this worthy cause. Despite the cold, our Mercy Girls students were exemplary ambassadors for the College. Staff and students kept warm by building cardboard shelters, in which a brave group would use as their homes for the night, in a worthy show of solidarity. We look forward to continuing this tradition of partnership with St Vincent de Paul, with an even larger volunteer group in 2022!
Celebration of our Youth Ministry Team

Youth Ministry lunch celebration.
After all of the tireless efforts our Youth Ministry girls have put in for the first half of this year, Mr Baines and I thought it was important to acknowledge and celebrate these compassionate and selfless students with a lunchtime party last week. We had our lovey CaterCare staff prepare delicious quiches and chocolate brownies for our celebrations. The girls could not help but turn discussions to our upcoming plans around the #ShareTheDignity Campaign, and our continued work with Julie Inskip and our friends at St Vincent de Paul, with our Winter Appeal.
Bishop’s In-Service Day

Celebrating Bishop's In-Service Day within our own school community.

This year we once again celebrated Bishop’s In-Service Day within our own school community. St Saviour’s College staff enjoyed this time to workshop our Catholic story, and had the pleasure of a keynote Address prepared by Professor Br David Hall. David challenged us to consider how we build a civilization of love, which is at the heart of Catholic Education. The day was a wonderful acknowledgement and affirmation of the strong sense of camaraderie and friendship that continues to be fostered with the walls of the College, and we were appreciative of the time together as a staff.
Community Engagement
To pen Catholic Education Week, we celebrated our annual Grandparents Day Mass. Our community grew, as grandparents, parents and significant elders in our girls’ lives came to celebrate with us in the Callaghan Centre. Grandparents were given a gift of one of our Mercy crosses, lovingly designed and hand painted by Mr Hickey students in our Year 8 RE classes. We celebrated the blessings that our grandparents are to us and in how they shape who we are. We also heard special stories from some of our Mercy girls who herald from different backgrounds, and how we navigate our life journey, on our own road to Emmaus, just as Jesus experienced. Fr Ray, how presided over our Mass, spoke of the challenges we are all faced, but nurtured by the values our grandparents and significant others bring to our lives, our journey is one of support, growth and resilience.

Abbey and her grandfather.

Maryam, Sarah and their grandmother.
Student Activities – SRC and Student Elected Leaders’ Challenge!
This week, our SRC are working with the SELs have planned a physical challenge in House groups. Staff and students are asked to attempt 3318 push-ups in a week, as a team effort!

Mental Health First Aid
Great news! Toowoomba Catholic Schools Diocese has been awarded a GOLD Mental Health First Aid Skilled Workplace. What an awesome achievement! By the end of this year, all staff at the College and 50% of our student body will be trained in the field of Mental Health First Aid. Mike Thomason, Education Officer: Guidance Counsellor Coordinator and School Support has been instrumental in making this a reality for our College, and we hear that many other schools are enlisting his skills as an experienced trainer, to deliver comprehensive and personalised school programs to staff and students.

The S.W.A.T team - Student Wellbeing Action Team - Think Strong. Be Strong.

- Our mission is to “swat” away mental health stigma and promote help-seeking.
- The SWAT team meets every Monday at first break, and we are using Microsoft Teams to manage information sharing and record keeping.
- We have already presented on school assembly promoting the SWAT team and our mission.
- We have organised for all years 7, 8 and 9s to be trained in the Teen Mental Health First Aid course. This will be rolled out in Term 3. This will ensure that student help-givers are trained to provide peer support.
- All staff at the College will also be trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid by the end of this year.
- The SWAT team will be leading several wellbeing initiatives starting in Term 3 eg. Do It For Dolly day.
- At our recent meeting we received confirmation from the College Leadership team for approval of a Wellbeing Wall. The wall will be featured in Mercy Court for all students to access and will be a chalkboard that can be for positive affirmation writing and for promoting wellbeing initiatives.
Student Wellbeing

Useful Support Links for Students
The College maintains its commitment to doing all they can to support all students attending St Saviour’s to feel safe, loved and that they belong. The College promotes social and emotional learning (SEL), which is about developing the ability to care for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships, and handle challenging situations. These skills are essential for developing resilience and the personal attributes that promote wellness, prevent illness and support recovery. The College also employs a best practice model of engaging with families and to provide a restorative approach to conflict within the community, and actively encourage:
- Active partnerships with other schools (St Mary’s College, St Saviour's Primary School. Our Mercy partner schools and other Toowoomba Diocesan and Catholic Colleges).
- Family Engagement by invitation to our regular College events, our fortnightly newsletter, social media platforms (check out our Facebook and Instagram pages!)
- Strong community ties with local support and social justice agencies such as Toowoomba Transition Support Services, St Vincent de Paul, St Patrick’s Parish.
- Intervention and Postvention strategies on campus for identification and referral for students who may need support, across all year levels.
- A supportive Wellbeing Team, trained and with experience in restorative practices and mental health and wellbeing, consisting of:
A fulltime Psychologist as our College Counsellor, Ms Renee Hunter.
Assistant Principal: Mission and Student Wellbeing, Mrs Heather Hagemann
Middle Leader Student Wellbeing, Mrs Juanita Doherty
Middle Leader Student Wellbeing Support, Ms Alice Cavanagh
Please contact one of us if you would like further information, assistance or support, regarding your child’s wellbeing. Below are some useful sites for external support, regarding wellbeing and mental health:

Beyond Blue is one of Australia’s best known mental health and wellbeing support organisation. They provide support programs to address issues related to depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental illnesses. Along with a comprehensive website, the beyond Blue Support Service provide 24/7 phone support, Chat online 1pm-12am / 7days a week, email support and a range of community chat forums 1300 22 4636

Kids Helpline is a free Australian telephone and online (webchat and email) counselling service for young people aged between 5 and 25. 1800 55 1800

1300 MH CALL: Mental health access line
1300 MH CALL (1300 642255) is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders. 1300 MH CALL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will link to the caller’s nearest Queensland Public Mental Health service.

eheadspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends.
Call 1800 650 890, 9am-1am AEST / 7 days a week.
Student Reminders of College Guidelines and Expectations
Bullying (inclusive of cyberbullying)
There is no place for bullying at St Saviour’s College. Bullying is a repeated pattern of behaviour, which includes name-calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments, kicking, hitting, pushing, theft, inappropriate text messaging, sending offensive or degrading images by phone or internet, producing offensive graffiti, gossiping, excluding people from groups, and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours.
Cyberbullying is a repeated pattern of behaviour, defined as, ‘the aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself’. St Saviour’s College is committed to promoting responsible and positive use of social media sites.
Cyberbullying behaviour can include:
- abusive texts and emails
- hurtful messages, images or videos
- imitating others online
- excluding others online
- humiliating others online
- spreading nasty online gossip and chat
- creating fake accounts to trick someone or humiliate them
How common is it?
In the 12 months to June 2017:
- 1 in 5 Australian young people reported being socially excluded, threatened or abused online.
- 55% sought help from their parents, 28% from their friends; 38% blocked the offending social media account; 12% reported it to the website or platform.
- 1 in 5 Australian young people (15% of kids, 24% of teens) admitted behaving in a negative way to a peer online - such as calling them names, deliberately excluding them, or spreading lies or rumours. Of these, more than 90% had had a negative online experience themselves.
Here at the College, members of our community are modelled respectful behaviour, with our positive interactions with one another. There is no room for negativity at St Saviour’s.
Winter Uniform
- White long-sleeved blouse (red piping)/ white short sleeved blouse (red piping)
- College striped skirt
- College tie
- College blazer (optional)
- College formal hat
- Black opaque tights
- College V-necked pullover
- Black leather lace up shoes (no buckles, casual styles, raised heels, coloured stitching or eyelets are permitted)
God bless,
Heather Hagemann
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing
Feeling Creative?
Heywire is a chance for regional and rural young people to have their voices heard. This annual storytelling competition, run by the ABC, showcases what it’s like to live in regional, rural and remote Australia. If you’re in year 10, 11 or 12, this is your opportunity to share with the nation what life is like in your part of the world. Up to 40 winners from across Australia will work with ABC producers to have their story told on the ABC and see the impact their story can have. Entries are open now and close on September 16th (see link below).

A great little read on Australian Research done through South Australia on Teacher Librarians and their impact on improved student literacy outcomes.
This tells about the survey and NAPLAN data links to a qualified library manager. From reading program management to research skills, copyright and referencing – all areas that a TL is able to support the curriculum within the school.
Take the time (around 6 minutes) to have a read …
With restrictions coming to the fore – it is a time to restock and reevaluate our ability to look at our reading habits.
REMEMBER: there is access to eBooks through our Library catalogue, our subscription to ClickView allows students to access a variety of video resources, including movies. Go to our Library catalogue and check them out (link further down if needed).
New Books
Browse our new book images below – check them out online through our Library online catalogue or visit the library and see them on display. Display books can be borrowed too, so you don’t have to wait to read it, come in and borrow it!
These are new Non-fiction books that may be of interest:

These are new Fiction books that may be of interest – includes Senior, Manga and Graphic:

Book of the Week:

CBCA Book Week 2021

Book Week runs from August 21 – 27 and we will be running a quiz for Years 7-10 to celebrate all things reading. There will be prizes throughout the competition so come prepared!
Hint #2: What do you know about Toowoomba? Maybe brush up on some history of the town you attend school in…
Don’t forget to keep in mind the Hint from last newsletter too.
House points will be up for grabs throughout all competitions during Book Week.
We will be running a competition through the week too. How well do you know where your teachers are from or have been? Maybe start conversations and see what you can learn…
Trivia will be running through Student Notices – prizes and House points will be there to be earned.
Make sure to stay tuned for further information on what you will need to do
Australia Reads! 14th September Australian Reading Hour

Theme: Stories that Matter: The Story of Me, the Story of You, and How we are becoming Us.
Celebrate reading on Tuesday 14 September 2021 along with the rest of Australia.
Originally launched by Australian libraries for the National Year of Reading in 2012.
Stay tuned for further information on this event
Overdue Library Resources
Please remind your child/ren to keep up to date with library loans.
Students are able to manage loans through the Library Web App, where they can see their overdue items.
Students will also receive overdue reminders via email each week. Please ensure the overdues are returned or renewed otherwise they are considered lost and request for payment may occur. Your help with this is much appreciated!
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body and prayer is to the soul." Matthew Kelly
Stay safe and keep reading.
Andrea King
Teacher Librarian

Athletics season is kicking into gear and students have an opportunity to test their skills at the upcoming TSSS and local school carnival. More details will follow soon about our carnival on Friday 13 August (week 5) so stay tuned. Students have been sent a link for their nominations for TSSS which will close on August 5. Please see Mr Leathart ASAP if you would like more details.
St Saviours College School Athletics Carnival 2021 Information
Athletics Carnival Date - Friday 13 August 2021
- Compulsory school day. Must attend in house colour theme or sports PE gear
- Students will make their own way to O’Quinn Street Oval by 8.20am. Assemble in your house area for roll call, House colour markers will indicate area. House area tents are provided on the day.
- Boarding students will be transported to the venue by bus.
- Students who normally catch a bus to school are to meet at the cross, so you can be transported to the venue.
- 8:45am SHARP - Roll in Homeclass/ House areas. Homeclass teachers will mark roll.
Saturday Netball
With only a few rounds to go, the Saturday Netball Cadet G team is still in the hunt to play finals. Don’t forget to support the team at the netball courts each Saturday from 11.30am.
Tuesday Night Volleyball
A great start for our three teams last week as they settle into Season 2 for the year. Mr Hickey has the details for games and duties. Please make sure you commit to training. Payments can be made at the office for your team registration.
Touch Football
Unfortunately, the Swans carnival has been postponed due to the recent COVID-19 development. Our girls have been training on Monday afternoons and Friday lunch times. All players need to make sure they are still making their payments to cover the cost of team registrations. With some luck we will be back on the fields soon.
The Brisbane lockdown has forced some activities to be postponed and possibly cancelled. Updates will be provide as they came to hand, however if you have any questions please contact Mr Leathart via email
Greg Leathart
Middle Leader HPE, Sport and Activities
On Wednesday 28 August, Mrs Potter’s and Mr Irwin’s Year 8 Humanities students had a special presentation from Alyssa Madden, an ex-St Saviour’s student who has been a practicing archaeologist for ten years and works in Aboriginal archaeology, historic archaeology, and native title matters.

Alyssa Madden, Senior Archaeologist - Redleaf Environmental.
Alyssa is the Senior Archaeologist running the heritage department at a company in town called Redleaf Environmental. One of the main types of projects they work on are making sure that heritage values (like artefacts, historic houses, stone tools etc.) don’t get damaged if someone wants to build a road or create a development.
Alyssa explained when working on the new upgrades to Tobruk Memorial Drive at Picnic Point, and the new walking trails at Tabletop, her team were called in before any heavy machinery work started to determine if there were any heritage values in the landscape.
As Alyssa is not an Aboriginal person herself, Aboriginal history and artefacts are not her heritage. Therefore, she has to make sure that she works very closely with Aboriginal people. Most of the Aboriginal Parties she has worked with talk extensively about how they are connected to Country and what it means to them. Aboriginal People have been in Australia for at least 65,000 years and their cultures have the longest continuous connections to a country out of everyone in the world.
Specifically, there is a very close spiritual connection to the land and all the elements (like trees, mountains, rivers etc.) that are in the landscape. Not only is there a connection, they also have a responsibility to look after their Country. One way that Aboriginal People look after Country is burning the landscape responsibly. Alyssa showed a video of Josiah from Githabul who recently conducted a traditional Aboriginal burn of the landscape to remove weeds and encourage native plants to grow without hurting any of the wildlife.
As an archaeologist, Alyssa is very familiar with the material history of Aboriginal Peoples but can’t identify the intangible side. That is, she can’t go on a survey and identify the spiritual elements connected to a place. An example of this was a bridge replacement she was working on over a waterway. Alyssa could identify that there were Aboriginal artefacts in the landscape (grinding grooves and stone knives), but she didn't know the Dreaming story of the place. In order to find out, she had to consult with the local Traditional Custodians – the Kambuwal People.
Leroy, Gary, and Coral are from the area and came to assist. They explained that this particular waterway had been formed by Dreamtime figures, that this was a happy place that had been where their ancient ancestors and Dreamtime figures had come to play and relax. Coral could see a time where many of the figures had fished in the water, and just taken time to enjoy the peace that the waterway offered.
Alyssa told the students some of the Dreaming stories about the formation of Tabletop Mountain (aka Meewah, or One Tree Hill), as these landscape features were woven together to form a network of Dreaming Stories.
In week 5, the Year 8 Humanities students will be undertaking an excursion to Picnic Point and the Waterbird Habitat, where they will investigate the human impact on these sites, combining their field reports with the invaluable information provided by Alyssa, to complete their assignments for the term.
On behalf of St Saviour’s College, we would like to thank Alyssa for her generosity in sharing her knowledge and expertise with the Year 8 Humanities classes.
Alyson Holmes
McAuley House Boarding

McAuley House is always a hive of activity. Our highlight for many girls last week was attending NRL matches at Suncorp Stadium. We saw the Tigers vs Warriors and the Broncos vs Cowboys. Our big crowd of Broncos fans were happy with their team having a big win. Our thanks to Ms Cavanagh who helped us out at short notice to accompany us. The girls were appreciative of the excursion and everyone had a great time.
The MHB girls are busy practicing for Winter Showcase which has been postponed, 19 girls have signed up for this activity and we can’t wait to see you on stage doing us proud!

The boarding students enjoying a trip to Suncorp Stadium.
Staff Changes
We farewell Miss Lee who has been a wealth of experience in McAuley House. We wish Miss Lee the best for the future and we hope to farewell you soon. We welcome Miss Shauna who commenced work with us last week as a fulltime Supervisor.
Unfortunately due to the current COVID situation many activities have been cancelled or postponed including Red Lion, Swans carnival, Volleyball (for this week). Some Year 9 students attended the Pathway Information Evening on Monday to see the great range of study options available to them from next year onwards.
Please note leave forms are due by Thursday to allow time for staff to make contact with hosts and family. Leave cannot be guaranteed if girls submit leave forms after Thursday, so please encourage your daughter to follow the correct processes.
Uber Eats is not permitted or any other form of food delivery service. We would also appreciate your support in reminding girls this is not allowed.
Tanya Brown
Acting Head of Boarding
From the Careers Centre

TAFE at School 2022
If you’re a year 10, 11 or 12 student in 2022, you may be able to complete a TAFE Queensland qualification while you're still at school. Choose from a variety of Certificate I to Certificate III courses from a range of study areas from hospitality to horticulture, early childhood education to engineering, and everything in between. The great thing about TAFE at School courses is they work in with your existing high school studies. They can also count towards your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), however please note that QCE Points only accrue for new learning (for more information please visit the QCAA website).
TAFE at School allows you to join the workforce sooner by giving you a nationally recognised qualification while you’re still at school. You’ll build practical skills and graduate job ready, giving you a head start in the job market. Completing a TAFE at School qualification gives you direct entry into any related TAFE Queensland course. Also, if you continue on to a diploma qualification you can take advantage of our articulation arrangements with some of Australia’s top universities. This means that if you decide to continue your studies at university, you will receive credit for your study at TAFE Queensland, shaving time off your degree.
Open Days - Term 3
- Bond University: Saturday 7 August
- Australian Catholic University: Saturday 7 August (Brisbane and Online) and Sunday 8 August (Online)
- Griffith University: Sunday 8 August
- James Cook University: Tuesday 14 September
- Southern Cross University: Sunday 15 August (Gold Coast)
- University of Southern Queensland: Sunday 15 August (Toowoomba) and Sunday 22 August (Virtual Open Day)
SBA Vacancies
14/21: Years 10, 11 and 12 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Front of House) - Jillys Café
15/21: Years 10, 11 and 12 - Certificate III in Business - Berny’s on West
26/21: Year 12 - Certificate III in early Childhood Education and Care - New Childcare Centre opening at Westbrook
30/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Front of House) – Various positions
35/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Fitness – Premier Conditioning
36/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III Hospitality and Certificate III in Business - City Golf Toowoomba
38/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III Business – Cosmetics Plus
39/21: Years 11 and 12 - Certificate III in Hairdressing - John’s Hair Studio
41/21: Year 12 - Certificate III Carpentry - McNabs
41/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Business - ParisiAnn Patisserie
44-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery - Rosalie House, Meringandan
45-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality - Stellarossa, Toowoomba
46-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality - Ann Bakery, Toowoomba
47-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality - Jamaica Blue, Grand Central Toowoomba
48-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality - La Pizzaiola, Toowoomba
49-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality - Picnic Point, Toowoomba
50-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality - Sage + Butler, Toowoomba
51-21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality - Urban Grounds, Toowoomba
SBA vacancies are advertised each fortnight in the newsletter and will be emailed directly to all students in Years 10, 11 and 12. If you wish to apply for a vacancy, please ensure you have completed the SBA Referral form, your resume is updated and that you follow the application directions in the advertisement. Once these documents are finalised, hand them (or send via email) to Mrs Cocks ( for submission on your behalf (unless the advertisement has specifically stated that you need to apply online or visit the business directly).
Chris Grierson
Career Development Practitioner