St Saviour's College Newsletter Term 1 Week 4

Our Lenten Journey
The term moves by quickly. Term 1 is always punctuated with Ash Wednesday, the commencement of the Lenten season, indicating that Easter is 40 days away. Lent draws us into a time of waiting, prayer, fasting and almsgiving. For many, Lent does not change the way daily life is lived. However, it is good to be reminded, from time to time, that it is worthwhile ‘taking stock’ and reflecting on ways on which we could better live our lives.
As human beings, we don’t always get it right; Jesus himself would testify to that; Catherine McAuley, were she alive today, would testify to that. However, the beauty of being people of faith is that we know that we are loved unconditionally by a God who draws us in, in spite of our human frailty and failings. This does not mean that we sit back apathetically. We are called to recognise these frailties and failings and ‘work on them’ so that we might grow to be the best versions of ourselves. Let’s not waste this gift of Lent failing to use this time to our own personal spiritual advantage. May we make the most of this valuable time of reflection, working on ourselves. May we strive to do good works but remember to do so with humility. “And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you.” (Matthew 6: 18)

On Thursday’s assembly, we launched our annual ‘Project Compassion’ campaign, which this year recognises the theme “Be More”. I acknowledge members of our Youth Ministry team who have already taken up this challenge this week by selling pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, to begin our Project Compassion fundraising efforts.
I encourage all our Mercy girls to take up the challenge this Lent to ‘be more’, and to seek out opportunities to pray, to reflect, and to resist indulgence. Be more for yourselves and others!
Opening of the St Saviour's College Health Hub
Next Wednesday 24 February, our long-awaited ‘Health Hub’ will be officially opened in the presence of members of our College community, the local Toowoomba community, the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office (TCSO), members of our fellow diocesan schools and colleges, as well as health care providers and local politicians. This truly has been a collaborative project, but special thanks must be given to our training providers, “Connect and Grow”, our Careers Development Practitioner, Mr Chris Grierson, our Careers Support Officer, Mrs Lisa Cocks, as well as staff from TCSO. We welcome special guest, Mercy Sister Sandra Lupi rsm, Director of Mater Misericordiae Limited Board who will officially open the simulated facility. We look forward to the great learning that will take place in this space and give thanks that we are able to share this learning with students from other local Catholic diocesan schools.
College Board and Parents and Friends
This week, our community welcomed our newest members, as we hosted our annual New Family Dinner at the Callaghan Centre on Tuesday evening. It was a wonderful opportunity to gather and share as we commence a new school year. It was at this gathering that I invited the new parent members of the community to be actively involved in either our College Board or Parents and Friends Association. If you are interested in furthering your contribution in either of these committees, please contact me directly on
International Women's Day Breakfast
Parents, family members and students are invited to join with us on Friday 5 March at the Callaghan Centre, commencing at 6.45am for a 7.00am start, to celebrate International Women’s Day 2021. It is always a great gathering celebrating all things women! This year’s speaker is Mrs Donaugh Shirley, proud past Mercy student and former Catholic educator, Principal and advocate for women in leadership.
The theme this year is #ChooseToChallenge.
“A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world. From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge.”
(Taken from:
All donations received on the morning will go towards ‘Protea Place’, a local organsation whose mission is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for vulnerable women who may be experiencing homelessness or disadvantage. Please RSVP by phoning the College or by emailing We look forward to celebrating with you, all things women!
Thank you to all members for their efforts to ensure a smooth start to the 2021 year.
Blessings for the week ahead!
Sharon Collins
Deputy Principal - Curriculum

Wow! What a start! Can I begin my first newsletter post by saying how fortunate and welcomed I feel by this incredible community of learners. The first weeks have been filled with energy and I have been so privileged to meet so many lovely students, parents and staff. I have to give a particular ‘shout out’ to my classes who have been so incredibly joy-filled, that it is clear I am going to love this school and this school community.
Assessment Calendars
The Term One assessment calendars were published to the College website in Week Two. Whilst occasionally, there may be a slight movement of these dates, these give families and students are great overview of upcoming assessments, including both checkpoints, drafts and finals as well as exams. These are excellent for planning for success and also pre-empting busy weeks in the assessment calendar for your daughter. I encourage all families to print these and place them somewhere prominent so they can be discussed and checked-in on over the term.
Academic Awards
Last Thursday, we congratulated students across Years 8 - 12 for their outstanding academic achievements in Semester Two 2020. We commended the following Gold, Silver and Bronze Awardees:
Bridget Staines | Gold |
Sienna Stockwell | Gold |
Elize Tom | Gold |
Abby Kelderman | Gold |
Eliza Morcom | Gold |
Giliann Mharie- Pamalaran | Gold |
Elizabeth Pugsley | Gold |
Abbey Wilson | Gold |
Meg Woodcock | Gold |
Lily Barrington | Gold |
Julienne Deecke | Gold |
Charlotte Morcom | Gold |
Abigail Lasserre | Silver |
Adelaide Hopkinson | Silver |
Amelia Claxton | Silver |
Kirra Baker | Silver |
Liz Besa | Bronze |
Dimercia Kalenga | Bronze |
Paige Mills | Bronze |
Dhriti Shah | Bronze |
Alby Darnell | Bronze |
Injil Mwibusa | Bronze |
Awel Deng | Bronze |
Kiara McMahon | Bronze |
Jessica Crompton | Bronze |
Madison Fowler | Bronze |
Miranda Owen | Bronze |
Mierah Staines | Bronze |
Elysse Thomas | Bronze |
Jasmine Wilson | Bronze |
Emily Ziegenfusz | Bronze |
Kate Hudson-James | Bronze |

Gold Award recipients

Gold Award recipients

Silver Award recipients

Bronze Award recipients

Bronze Award recipients
Study Skills Workshop
On Friday 5 February, the Year 12 ATAR-eligible girls and I travelled to St Mary’s College with students from across the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Diocese to network and hone their study skills techniques. The girls were introduced to the brain science that underpins the storage of new ideas and learned a range of techniques to assist them in organising their study notes and succeeding this year. They also heard from a student who attained a 99.90 and saw his study notes and study routines. In the afternoon they spent some time establishing networks with other students who study the same subjects as them – and building balloon structures! It was an excellent way to start a very important year for our Year 12 students.

Year 12 Academic Interviews
Last week, all Year 12 girls had their academic interviews with either Mrs Hagemann, Mr Grierson, Ms Collins or myself. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those parents who attended and to commend the girls for the goal-oriented and purposeful manner in which they approached these interviews. Again, these processes set students up for academic success across the year and ensure that we are all working together to attain the best results, tailored to the needs and interests of every girl.
Subject Changes
As we begin Week Four, it is important that girls now establish themselves in subjects and commit to these for the semester. From this point forward, there can only be subject changes in exceptional circumstances.
Jessica Wade
Deputy Principal
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing

Sowing Seeds of Hope and Mercy - Ash Wednesday
Once again, we acknowledged Ash Wednesday in House groups. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we were unable to include the ceremonial sprinkling of the Ashes; however, our community still came together in prayer, as one spirit, one community and in harmony, during this period of living Lent.

Jesus, you place on my forehead
the sign of life’s frailty:
"Remember you are dust,
and to dust you shall return."
How not hear this wise advice?
One day my life on earth will end;
the limits on my years are set,
though I know not the day or hour.
Shall I be ready to go to meet you?
Let this holy season be a time of grace
for me and all this world.
"Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain wisdom of heart."
O Jesus, you place on my forehead
the sign of your saving Cross:
"Turn from sin and be faithful
to the gospel."
You speak, you raise your hand,
you touch my mind and call my name,
"Turn to the Lord your God again."
May God’s cause be the only concern of our hearts; and let the people of God say:
Project Compassion Launch
The theme for Project Compassion 2021 is 'Be More'. During his homily on Sunday at the TCS Diocesan Mass, Bishop Robert McGuckin shared stories of being inspired to “Be More” for others instead of having more. Be more present, be more kind, be more aware, be more compassionate. Acknowledging the tireless, global work of Caritas, representatives from St Saviour’s College, St Ursula’s College and St Saviour’s Primary committed to being ambassadors for the Toowoomba Catholic schools. Deb, Taya and Lanease wore their uniforms with pride and aptly represented our community – well done, girls! The full Mass can be viewed here:

College ambassadors - Deb, Taya and Lanease representing St Saviour's College at Sunday Mass.

Within our College community, our Youth Ministry team will be hosting representatives from Caritas at our weekly College assembly. This week we welcome Mr Andrew Knife, Diocesan Director of Caritas Australia, who will be sharing in our Project Compassion assembly launch.
In support of our Youth Ministry girls, we are also appreciative of the generous and thoughtful donation of purple cloths from Mr Steve Moyle, lovingly hemmed by one of his family friends and donated to the community to commemorate the Lenten period. We are extremely grateful of these gifts.

Generous donation ... Purple Homeclass cloths gifted to the community by Mr Steve Moyle.
Caritas filmed the stories of people from various developing countries around the world struggling to make ends meet, starting with Bangladesh. Our story for Week One describes the life of Jamila. Jamila lives with her daughter and mother in the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. When her daughter was just a baby, they walked for six days to flee the violence in Myanmar. With the support of Caritas, Jamila was able to access emergency shelter, food and counselling. On a larger scale, Over 742,000 Rohingya people, have crossed into Bangladesh since August 2017. They are a stateless Muslim minority, escaping violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar.

Life of Jamila ... with the support of Caritas, Jamila now feels less alone.
More than 1.3million people remain in the densely populated camps in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Jamila shares stories of her impoverished circumstances since she joined the “Women Friendly Spaces” Project where she received counselling and emotional support. She also learnt about health, hygiene, participated in a parenting program and learnt sewing skills to help her earn an income. Jamila now feels less alone, with a sense of community around her. She is able to ‘Be More’ to her little family. Giving a platform for people in Jamila’s situation to share their stories helps our community to be more aware of those in the world who, despite living a life with so little, still find time to give selflessly of themselves. I have seen acts such as these in our loving community several times this week; girls who are enduring some really challenging life experiences, yet still put on a happy face and try to make a positive difference in the lives of their fellow Mercy girls.
Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday
Despite the busyness of this week with Ash Wednesday celebrations and planning for Funday Friday, our Youth Ministry team couldn’t help but grab the bottles of maple syrup and strawberry jam to commemorate Shrove Tuesday with Pancakes in Dublin Place.

Delicious treat ... Pancakes were the order of the day on Shrove Tuesday.
Student Wellbeing
In order to do “our bit” in fundraising to assist Caritas, our College Student Leader team started promotions and advocacy for the Project Compassion launch early, by hosting an all-House Valentine’s Day last Funday Friday! The event spanned across both breaks on Friday and included a photo booth, cupcake sale, lolly sales and affirmation writing. Our Mercy girls raised around $170 for the day, which is a wonderful way to kickstart our launch.

Fundraising and advocacy will continue each day in Homeclasses with the receipt of a Project Compassion moneybox. Youth Ministry students will collect these at the end of each week and submit totals to the office for regularly tallying of totals. Youth Ministry activities and weekly updates on fundraising totals will be advertised by the team on assembly and the student notices. Students are encouraged to please keep a look out for Project Compassion initiatives this Lent.
New Parent Dinner
Starting secondary school is a momentous part of a young person’s life. The key concern for most students is, “will I know what to do, where to go and will I have people I know?”. In fact, these are the questions that stay with us right through our life in any new situation, no matter what age.
At St Saviour’s, we work hard to ensure that the transition will be as smooth and stress-free as possible for our new students. We endeavour to walk gently beside one another, working to ensure each student feels welcome, valued and appreciated for the gifts they bring to our culture-rich community.
For this reason, Week Four started with a welcoming ceremony, dinner and trivia for our new students and their families. Rodney and the Catercare team served up a delicious dinner and dessert and our Senior Leaders, led by Mrs Jessica Wade, hosted a competitive and entreating Trivia competition, enjoyed by all. The highlight of the evening was the candle lighting ceremony in house groups. Seeing the growing number of bright candle lights surrounding the dinner tables each year warms my heart.

Welcome candles ... Embracing new students in to our St Saviour's community.

Families come together for a meal and trivia at the New Parent Dinner.
For every day, I give thanks – God bless.
Mrs Heather Hagemann
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing
Business Manager

School Fees
Please be advised 2021 school fees have been raised and emailed out, if you have not received them by now please email
With a new finance system being used we are urging all fee payers to review your statements and if something looks amiss please email even if you have a simple query please send it through.

If you wish to set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly payment plan it will take precedence over the due dates listed above. To set up a payment plan please complete either the Centrepay, Direct Debit or Credit Card Plan forms attached.

A very busy time has been occurring in the library over the last week. We have celebrated both Queensland School Libraries Week (QSLW) and Library Lovers’ Day.
As part of QSLW we have been running a competition around creating a photograph or artwork to show the theme: School Libraries: unlocking the future to answer the question –
What do you imagine a school library of the future could look like?
This competition closes on Monday 22 February, many thanks to all students who have taken the time to create an artwork and enter the competition.
What’s Happening in the Library?
This week is a specific time to celebrate the ways our library continues to
- connect students with digital literacy skills,
- resource teachers to deliver curriculum,
- foster a reading culture at our school that connects students to the wider world.
Library Lovers’ Day
With the theme Make a Date with your Library, we have brand new books ready and waiting for that reader to come along and take them out.
With both Library Lovers’ day and QSLW being celebrated, check out our library displays below:

New Books
Come and check out what is new in the library! You might find something of interest you can’t put down!

Library Hours
Monday – Friday: 8am - 8.30am
Every break time during the school day
Monday, Wednesday: 3pm - 4pm
Thursday: Tutoring for students is on 3.15pm - 4.15pm.
This is the general rule – please keep in mind there may be unforeseen circumstances that means the library will be closed.
Students must remember to look after their resources, it can be very easy for an item to be damaged because a water bottle has leaked or even just having water condensing on the outside of the bottle. Please help us keep our resources in an appropriate state so all students can borrow them for a long time.
The library will be open at lunch times from Monday – Friday where possible. There will be times where the library will need to be closed but we try to keep it open as often as possible.
Manners in the Library
Please remember to say “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” as you come into the library, we love seeing the students using our library, especially when they are polite and respectful to both the staff in the library and the users of the area. “Please” and “Thank you” are expected in asking and receiving help at any time in the library. Also remembering it is a shared space and to keep our voices at a respectful level.
Date Claimers
February 22: Final day for QSLW competition submissions. Authority to print permission required.
March 8: International Women’s Day: “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.
Author Joan Aiken:
"Children read to learn - even when they are reading fantasy, nonsense, light verse, comics or the
copy on cereal packets, they are expanding their minds all the time, enlarging their vocabulary,
making discoveries: it is all new to them."
Andrea King
Teacher Librarian

TSSS and Darling Downs Trials
Representative sport is a great way to meet other students and experience sport at a higher level. Nominations are now open for a number of sports in Cluster Two including netball, football (soccer), rugby league, rugby 7s, hockey and swimming. For a full list of sports, students should consult the calendar outside JG1 or visit the Darling Downs Website.
Darling School Sport is now online! Your daughter was emailed a link and a how-to-guide to register for trials at the Darling downs level. It is important that students pay the levy and complete the medical form before the cut-off date for that trial. For more information contact the Sports office.
Friday Night Basketball
Friday night basketball is on again for 2021 and it is wonderful to see St Saviours College enter three teams into the competition for 2021. While unfortunately we cannot watch due to COVID-19 we have a dedicated team helping our students achieve the best from their basketball experience. Thanks to Mr Dean Love, Mrs Lisa Hammond and Mr Paul Stokell for again taking on coaching roles for the 2021 season.
Student Official Pathways Programme
Darling Downs School sport is offering students the chance to become a student official at state championships in 2021. Collect an information pack from the sports office if you are interested to attending as an official. There are opportunities in a wide range of sports, see the sports office for more details.
Saturday Netball
Expressions of interest are now called for Saturday netball. Any student wishing to play netball in the local Toowoomba Netball Association competition can register at the sports office. Details for how to sign up will follow soon. This is also a call for any parent who is looking to volunteer with the club netball in 2021. Please enquire to Mr Greg Leathart if you would like to be a part of the St Saviour's College Netball Club.
Mercy Movers Club
Great start with the Movers on Friday morning. All are welcome to join Mr Steve Moyle for some fun and fitness. Here is a breakdown of the first week:
Coolock - 6 points
Abby Kelderman (Year 9) - 5 points (GOLD AWARD)
Mary Inkindi (Year 7) - 1 point
Goretti - 0 points
No one
McAuley - 9 points
Aimee Norton (Yr 10) - 4 points
Ayen Deng (Yr 7) - 5 points (SILVER AWARD)
Xavier - 8 points
Ella Giuffrida (Yr 7) - 5 points (BRONZE AWARD)
Abi Araya (Yr 7) - 3 points
Mercy Shield Update
A brief update for the 2021 Mercy Shield, very close going into our first major event - the swimming carnival.

Friday Sport
Students in Year 7 - 10 have now selected their sport for Term One. Some Year 7 students catch a bus to their venues, so it is important that they are on time and ready. The bus will depart school at 12.40pm (which is during the second break) students are asked to take their lunch with them as there will be opportunities for them to have a break at sport. Students are also reminded to uphold the behaviour expectations of the College and to demonstrate integrity in all that you do.
Friday 7s Touch
Friday 7s Touch results:
Senior A won 5 - 1 against Rangeville.
Senior B won 8 - 1 against St Thomas More’s.

Senior A touch team

Senior B touch team

Friday touch ... Senior B team huddle (above) and St Saviour's supporters (right).

Greg Leathart
Middle Leader HPE, Sport and Activities
McAuley Boarding House

You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself; nothing is permanent. You are not stuck. How do we know this? We all have choices. We can think new thoughts, we can learn new skills, we can create new habits. All that really matters is that we make that decision today, to try and then move forward. At McAuley House we see this daily; choices are being made, the choice to rise and recreate the paths that we walk. We are not defined by the road behind us, rather the choices we embark on in the future. We support bravery, courage and affirm that the next step of creating new habits will be empowering and new.
As we enter the holy period of Lent, we encourage our girls not to 'give up’ or ‘sacrifice’ a valued material thing within our lives. Although, I am sure we could all abstain from chocolate and pizza. Rather, we are encouraging them to be brave and form new, healthy habits. As we explore this concept with our young women, we too as adults and staff could learn from them, their journeys and their courage.

Head lice has been identified in the boarding house. As such, we have treated the girl’s hair and their linen. We will continue to monitor progress of containing the lice. We do ask that any weekly boarders or part-time boarders have their hair treated at home please.

The Year 10 students have been forward thinking and reflecting on their career paths. We have entered discussions with the girls about their upcoming work experience in Week 10. These discussions have been with Ms Jesse, boarding staff and our work experience coordinator Mrs Lisa Cocks. As we further finalise the details and arrangements, information will be forwarded home to parents and caregivers regarding the girls’ occupation choices and the businesses they will be attending.

Many events and activities have started and we are definitely providing opportunities for the borders to represent us within the community and build on their skills, from boxing with Brett Richardson at Hodgsonvale Gym, Friday Night Basketball, Hume Ridge Youth Group, and a sneaky ice-cream visit to Baskin Robbins on Ruthven Street. In addition, the Laura Geitz netball carnival will be held next weekend, club rugby league training will commence, as will swimming fitness and some of the girls are also applying for part-time jobs. We will always encourage opportunities for growth, development, progression and rising to create new habits and skills. We do ask that parents and caregivers are patient and accepting of our time spent organising and facilitating opportunities for the girls. Often staff are multi-tasking to assist in providing these opportunities; for this we thank them.

Taking to the court at Friday Night basketball.

Enjoying an icecream at Baskin-Robbins.

Delicious chocolate brownie creations made and decorated by Jenny.

A huge thank you to our kitchen staff for the wonderful meals they provide for us and the whole College community. Rodney, Jenny, Caroline and Mary work tirelessly to provide nutritious, delicious meals daily. Their ability to cater to our needs (all 45 of us) and the college tuckshop and catering needs is amazing. We want to say a huge thank you! We recently celebrated Valentine’s Day with a delicious roast lamb meal and amazing desserts created by Jenny. We recommend the chocolate brownie as a winner!

Our dedicated staff play extremely important roles within our operations and organisation, but most importantly in the care and relationships built with the girls, families and communities. Over the course of the year, we will be introducing our staff to you through the lens of our girls, who will interview them and report back to our community. Stay tuned for our next newsletter.
Jesse Bolton
McAuley Boarding House Manager
VET and Careers Update

Work Experience – Year 10
St Saviour’s College has allocated a three-day period during Term One for a Work Experience Program for all Year 10 students on a compulsory basis. This year the program will operate from Monday 29 March to Wednesday 31 March. Work Experience placement is important and valuable as it assists students in their transition from school to work. The type of work experience that is adopted by St Saviour's College is ‘Work Sampling’. Work Sampling provides students with an opportunity to gain first-hand, the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in a workplace.
It also gives students an opportunity to test personal vocational preferences through performing tasks in a workplace. It is anticipated that students will use their experience to assist their career choices and subject selections for senior school as well as providing them with some insight into the world of work.
As the work experience program commences at the end of Term One, it is strongly advised that you assist your daughter in securing a placement for this period as soon as possible. It is important to note, however, that the onus on finding a placement is on your daughter as we seek to provide her with opportunities to develop the communication skills needed to be successful in her post-schooling endeavours. If you have any queries regarding work experience, please contact the St Saviour’s College Career Development Practitioner – Mr Chris Grierson, or the Career Support Officer - Mrs Lisa Cocks.
SBA Vacancies
5/21: Year 11 only - Certificate II in Warehousing Operations School-Based Traineeship – Actrol (closing date - positions will remain open until filled). Workday one day per week and work experience is required. Please see Mrs Cocks.
6/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Front of House) School-Based Traineeships:
- The Rock, 520-526 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba (Max)
- Muller Bros Café, 25 Bell Street, Toowoomba (Bonnie)
- Muller Bros Restaurant, 25 Bell Street, Toowoomba (Jack)
- Hogs Breath Café, Cnr Neil and Bell Streets, Toowoomba (Tracey)
- Jamaica Blue – Grand Central Shopping Centre (Peta)
- The Coffee Club – Northpoint Shopping Centre, Cnr Ruthven & Jones Street, Toowoomba (Gloria)
- The Coffee Emporium – Grand Central Shopping Centre (Penny or James)
Closing date - positions will remain open until filled. Workday one day per week and some weekends. Work experience required. The businesses can be contacted directly with your resume as per the contact person listed.
07/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery School-Based Apprenticeship - Urban Grounds Café Urban Grounds Café (closing date - positions will remain open until filled. Workday one day per week and work experience is required. Students are to present in person to Urban Grounds Café, 210 Herries Street, Toowoomba with your resume and ask to speak with John.
08/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Business Administration School-Based Traineeship - Toowoomba Mower Centre (closing date 19.02.2021). Workday one day per week and work experience is required.
09/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery School-Based Apprenticeship Monkey Business Catering (closing date - positions will remain open until filled). Workday one day per week and work experience required. Students are to present in person to Monkey Business Catering, 64 Warwick Street, Harristown with resume and ask to speak with Amy.
10/21: Years 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Front of House) School-Based Traineeship - Kingfishers Café Restaurant, Spring Street, Toowoomba (closing date - positions will remain open until filled). Workday one day per week and some weekends. Work experience is required. Students are to present in person to Kingfishers Café Restaurant, 333 Spring Street, Kearney Springs with resume and ask to speak with Simon.
11/21: 10 and 11 - Certificate III in Hospitality (Front of House) School-Based Traineeship - Stellarossa, Bernoth Centre, Toowoomba (closing date – the position will remain open until filled). Workday one day per week and some weekends. Work experience is required. Students are to present in person with resume to Stellarossa at the Bernoth Centre, 5/677 - 681 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba.
SBA vacancies are advertised each fortnight in the newsletter and will be emailed directly to all students in Years 10, 11 and 12. If you wish to apply for a vacancy, please ensure you have completed the SBA Referral form, your resume is updated and that you follow the application directions in the advertisement. Once these documents are finalised, hand them (or send via email) to Mrs Cocks ( for submission on your behalf (unless the advertisement has specifically stated that you need to apply online or visit the business directly).
Job Vacancy – Toowoomba Fresh
Toowoomba Fresh is family owned and operated fresh fruit and vegetable mart. They are opening their new store at Wilsonton Shopping Centre very soon and have vacancies for Junior Casual Staff for afternoon and weekend work at both their Grand Central and Wilsonton locations. If you enjoy dealing with people face to face, have a friendly personality, and would love the opportunity to work for a family business, please drop your resume into their Grand Central Store.
Chris Grierson
Career Development Practitioner
What we’re Learning about this Week
This week our Year 7 and 8 students are exploring number principles while our Year 9 and 10 students are expanding their understanding of financial mathematics. In the senior school, our General, Methods and Specialist Maths students are busily working on their problem-solving and modelling tasks – their only assignment for the year! With four weeks to complete their responses, students are investigating the mathematics involved in a vast array of scenarios ranging from approximating the area of a country, to designing safe and secure passwords and PINs. These problem-solving and modelling tasks encourage students to connect their learning with real-world applications, thus increasing their understanding of how mathematics is used to understand and improve the world they live in.
Family Discussion Prompts
Year 7/8: When in your life do you work with negative numbers?
Year 9/10: When in your life have you had to deal with interest rates?
Years 11/12: What careers do you know of that require you to study maths at university?
Problem of the Week
Mr C Love says that if you add all the numbers from 1 – 100, the answer is 5050. He says there is a much easier way to work out the answer than literally adding all the numbers together, one by one. Can you think of an easier way to find the sum of all the whole numbers from 1 to 100?