St Saviour's College Newsletter Term 3 Week 4
Last weekend’s Gospel focused on the Matthew’s account of the feeding of the five thousand (Mt 14:13-21). This popular miracle story poses many questions in terms of what the ‘real’ miracle was on that day on the remote east shore of the Sea of Galilee. Many would say that the handing over of a very meagre five loaves and two fish, prompted an outpouring of generosity among the crowd, who may have had food in their possession initially, but had been reluctant to share their portion. The ‘real’ miracle that did occur that day, however it happened, was that all who were gathered were fed, and no one was left hungry.
I would like to think that our St Saviour’s College community is a place where all are fed and nourished. Consistently, I am privy to the outpouring of generosity. One such example I was recently made aware of is a group of boarders who use Thursday afternoon as their YARNing circle time, where sit, yarn and knit scarves for the homeless. This enterprise is just one example of how members of our community are always ready, in the wings, to be sources of nourishment for others. Our staff demonstrate generosity of spirit in the ways they give of their time to go above and beyond, through their meticulous planning on nights and at the weekends, tutoring, coaching, being present at cocurricular events, and generally being present for our mercy girls on a daily basis to ensure that each student is nourished and experiences a great sense of nurturing and belonging during their time here at the College.
We give thanks for all members of our community and pray that we continue to be miracles for one another and seek out ways to nourish each other through our acts of kindness and outpouring of generosity.
Last Friday, the whole staff gathered to celebrate our annual Bishop’s Inservice Day, as a part of the Catholic Education Week celebrations. The theme of the day was ‘Community Made for Each Other’ and involved both large and small group activities that fostered collegiality, coherence and community. It was a timely opportunity for staff to connect and be reminded of what a great gift Catholic education is to us and our students. Many thanks to all involved in this wonderful experience, particularly Mrs Heather Hagemann for her leadership in facilitating and overseeing the organisation of the day.
St Saviour’s continues to be vigilant in our response the Covid-19 pandemic. Strict biosecurity measures are being upheld both in the boarding house and in the day school. Protocols in relation to hand sanitization, social distancing and the immediate response to the incidence of ill health are being duly monitored. Our gatherings strictly adhere to prescribed guidelines and procedures. Thanks to all members of our community for their patience and adherence to these measures. We pray for residents of Victoria who are in strict lockdown, that the incidence of infection slows and all are brought to good health.
On Friday we acknowledge our Year 7-12 Gold, Silver and Bronze Academic awardees for Semester 1, as well as our Year 12 QATSIF graduates for 2020 – Arael Lewis, Hayley McMahon and Keeley Crothers. It is wonderful to gather with these students and commend them in the presence of their parents. Special thanks to Ms Jen Smeed, Mrs Kathy McDonald and Ms Kylie Brodrick for their organisation of the event. We are also grateful to Dr Pat Coughlan, Mr Jim Midgley and Mr Paul Herbert from the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office who joined in our celebrations.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have welcomed a number of parents and carers, together with daughters to both our 2021 Year 11 Subject Selection Evening and Senior Pathways Information Evening. Both events were well attended and live streamed, and provided great insight into the many unique pathways available to our students as they enter into their senior phase of learning. Special thanks to Mr Chris Grierson and Ms Jen Smeed for their hard work and thorough preparation in this space.
Thanks also to the Middle and Senior leaders who have been involved in the Year 11 and 12 Academic Interviews that have taken place since the start of Term 3. These interviews provide valuable opportunities to discuss student progress and to monitor academic performance, so our students are very clear about how they are tracking in relation to their ATAR journey and QCE attainment. It is also enables a building of partnership between school and home in terms of working together to ensure the academic success of all our students, whichever their pathway.
A reminder to visit our College website ( to view our Virtual Open Day. The nine clips capture the essence of the College and provided great insight into the day in the life of a ‘mercy girl’. Thanks so much to Mrs Linda Creedon, Mrs Wendy Collins and Ms Kylie Brodrick for the work they put into the project. And special thanks to the stars of the show – our mercy girls!
Blessings for the coming weeks.
Sharon Collins Principal
Deputy Principal - Curriculum
The Semester One Academic Awards celebration will take place this Friday, 7th August during assembly (10:50 – 11:20am). This ceremony will celebrate students who achieved outstanding results on their Semester One / Unit One report cards. RSVPs for this event have now closed. A list of students and their awards will be included in the next newsletter.
Online subject selection for students in Year 9-11 2021 will remain open until Friday 7th August. All students have been emailed the link to follow in order to select their subjects. Once complete, the site will produce a subject selection receipt. Please print a copy of this receipt, sign in the required fields (student and parent/carer) and return these signed receipts to Student Services. If your daughter requires any assistance with this process, please direct her to Student Services.
The QCAA has officially released the Year 12 External Exam block for General subjects 2020. This exam block was emailed to all Year 12 students and their caregivers last week. The exam block runs from Monday 26 October to Tuesday 17 November. More information regarding these exams at St Saviour’s will be released closer to Term Four; however, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Tutoring runs for all students from Year 7-12 on Thursday afternoons from 3:15-4:30pm in the library. Everyone is welcome to attend.
If you have further questions about any of the information above, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College or at
Jen Smeed
Deputy Principal
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing
As each term passes in our thriving community, I am amazed at what we accomplish together. I see new friends amassing at the picnic tables in the warmth of the sun in Dublin Place, I hear calls of greeting to the primary students by our girls and I feel a warmth in my heart as I know I am surrounded by the love of a community fully immersed in our College values.
This sense of school spirit was no more apparent, than at our Grandparent’s celebrations recently, during Catholic Education Week. We celebrated “a spirited tomorrow" as the theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week. This was most appropriate when we consider the relationship we have with our grandparents and the significant elders in our lives. These loved ones we hold dear in our hearts, memories and our lives, have a true belief in us that encourages us to resolve to do good today and better tomorrow. They have gifted us with parents and carers that work tirelessly to provide us with opportunities so that we may reach our full potential for a spirited tomorrow. Pope Francis wisely stated: “Do you open your hearts to the memories that your grandparents pass on? Grandparents are like the wisdom of the family, they are the wisdom of a people”.
Father, every good and perfect gift comes from You.
We thank you, Lord, for the joy and happiness, the moments of learning and the guidance and care you have brought to us through our wonderful grandparents.
We truly appreciate the life, love and nurturing they have given our parents.
Through these, we were taught to depend on You by faith we were raised with the morals and values to respect others and be concerned for their wellbeing.
Thank you, Lord, for our godly grandparents.
We added a special acknowledgement to our community gathering over the last fortnight, with the celebration of the cultural richness we have in our community. During our College Mass, Fr Ray called forth students who have originate from such locations as remote Queensland, India, the Torres Strait, the Philippines and even as far as America and Africa. Our student voices (Rachel Nyashinde, Noora Fatima, Kiza Mwibusa and Natalya Mah-Yen) were asked the following question by Fr Ray, as we gathered around the stage: What richness from your family have you brought to our St Saviour’s community? Following, are two students’ responses.
Kiza Mwibusa
Good morning. My name is Kiza Mwibusa and I am from Congo. I’ve been in Australia for 8 years and attended Darling Heights State School before coming to St Saviour’s College. As part of my Congolese background my family values discipline, caring for others, treating everyone equally and valuing the things that we have in life. I saw the caring nature from my culture reflected in the girls when I arrived here at St Saviour’s. Being a Mercy Girl here at St Saviour’s means to strive for excellence in all that we do, while being welcoming and caring for all those around you. I feel honoured that my long journey across the world has led me to a place where I have the opportunity to be a young woman of compassion, hospitality, justice and excellence, a true Mercy girl.
Rachel – My cultural background
Good morning. I’m Rachel Safi Nyashinde. My parents are from the Democratic Republic of Congo; however, they left when they had only one child, Riziki, because war had broken out. They moved to Malawi where myself and my four siblings were born. My whole family came to Australia together in 2016. When I arrived, I attended Harristown State High School for two years before coming to St Saviour’s College. My cultural values are respect for one another, hospitality, discipline and caring for those around you. Being from this background, I feel it is important for people to unite and work together to achieve peace. Being at St Saviour’s I have always felt welcomed amongst others through the support that teachers, staff members and students give to me. My teachers are always ready to help me when I need them and knowing I have this support everyday makes me feel like I belong to this compassionate community of Mercy Girls.
Last week, all of our students from years 7 to 11 were treated to a fabulously funny and dynamic performance by Sean Choolburra – Indigenous Australian, entertainer and performer who hails from Palm Island and Townsville. Sean joins us each year to entertain our community and we welcome him with open hearts and spirits.
Our students were certainly very busy last week, with the launch of our monthly dinner preparation for Tony’s Community Kitchen, as part of our Semester 2, You Can Do It! Program, for improving wellbeing and resilience building. Students from Year 7 joined Mrs Hagemann, Ms Hunter and Ms McGovern in our College kitchens to show love, compassion… and a flair for the delicious and creative! The girls cooked up scrumptious batches of potato bake, sausages and gravy, for those in our community who are experiencing hardship. Tony’s Community Kitchen is a new support service to Toowoomba this year. St Saviour’s wholly supports the works of mercy, compassion and justice lived out through this organisation. As a Catholic community we pride ourselves on modelling to our students that service learning is an assumed part of our culture and daily life and learning. If you would like to be involved in this venture, or donate goods to support our pantry, please contact Mrs Hagemann at the College. We will be cooking again next month, in Week 7 of the term.
This term, we continue our partnership work with St Vincent de Paul. This includes a donation campaign for their annual Winter Appeal. Donations of the items listed below can be left at Student Services.
Last week during our Religion lesson we had a visit from two seminarians, Dave Nightingale and Minje Kim joined our class and discussed with us what it was like to be at the seminary. They both shared stories of their lives and how they came to be seminarians. Finally, we brought up the topic of heroes and role models, that we are studying in class. Both Dave and Minje explained the importance of being role models and heroes in their own lives and how it is important for everyone to have someone they look up to. Charlotte Morcom, Mrs Sretenovic’s year 10 RE class.
“We should be as shining lamps, giving light to all around us.” Catherine McAuley, circa 1830
For every day, I give thanks – God bless.
Mrs Heather Hagemann Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing
The students have finished 2 weeks of athletics-based events which are conducted on a Wednesday afternoon. The Students in Years 7-10 have competed in High Jump, Long Jump, Discus and Javelin as we build towards our Mini Olympics in Week 8. Results for the first few weeks will be published soon. Senior students need to keep an eye on the notice boards for their events starting Week 5.
St Saviours College played their first game in the 2020 competition this week against Harristown and won 2-1. Students travelled via bus and returned to the College at the completion of the game. For future reference, please note due to COVID 19 spectators are encouraged not to attend the games. If spectators do attend, they MUST sign in and complete the attendance register (which a teacher will have at the tables at the top of the bottom oval). Spectators MUST sanitise their hands upon registering. Spectators MUST stay at the tables, sit on the hill or on the opposite side to competing schools, while observing social distancing and good hygiene. Spectators should not be sitting anywhere near where teams are set up. If you have any issues or questions, please see Mr Leathart.
NETBALL - Latest Results
Cadet B Lost 51-22
It was evident today at our first game that we have not had trained together. Growth mindset - we are not quite there yet but we can get there! We played a hard game with our timing and execution becoming better in the second half. Chelsea was injured early, and the girls were left with no subs; however, Zina and Emillie led the team around the court with great spirit. Olivia showed her ability to read the game and got some great intercepts, showing that GK is probably her position.
Cadet F Win 27-17
Today we showed great improvement by implementing the basics we practised at training during the week. Our shooters sank some amazing shots and the girls in defence have some raw talent that is exciting to be working with. The girls showed real team camaraderie to allow all girls equal court time. Each contributed greatly to the win in trying, rainy conditions. They listened to feedback and utilised it to extend their lead throughout the game.
Wednesday Night Lost 29-10
This was the first game for the girls against Mary MacKillop and a lack of cohesion/training probably played a part in our defeat. We worked hard throughout the game but found that our timing was just a bit out allowing the opposition opportunity to play over us. It was a good first effort.
Trials will be held for the upcoming All Schools Touch Gala Weekend in Term 4. This will take place on Tuesday first break at the school oval. Expressions of interest need to be given to the sports office ASAP. Please note there is a cost involved in this competition and students will need accommodation in Brisbane. More details will be available after the trial day.
Greg Leathart Middle Leader Sports & Activities
McAuley Boarding House
This is the covenant I will make with the House of Israel when those days arrive – it is the Lord who speaks. Deep within them I will plant my Law, writing it on their hearts. Then I will be their God and they shall be my people. Jeremiah 31:33
How many times a day do we make snap judgments of others? In an era of social media, how many times a day do we make snap judgments of ourselves? Of their actions, opinions, or choices, of the way that they might approach or do something in a different way to ourselves.
Is the way we place judgment on ourselves and others beneficial to anyone?
The words ‘listen and understand’ are both powerful and humbling. We often listen to respond, rather than listening to understand. Taking time to listen for understanding can enable one to gain insight into another’s journey and thus their actions and behaviours. To take a moment to consider what experiences have helped to shape the words and actions they value. These are the seeds God plants, to be open, to listen and to love our neighbour.
Every day at McAuley House we see our girls dance with making decisions; making judgment of others and of themselves. As humans, this is a natural behaviour of questioning to obtain understanding. However, when this questioning and judgment is to the detriment of another, this can then become toxic and hurtful.
The past two weeks have been filled with opportunity for our young women to explore the art of listening: engaging in activities and down time; and listening and learning about each other and the lives of their peers who have such different circumstances than their own. As we walk on our journey with Jesus, we encourage our girls to always listen for understanding, and reflect on their actions and words.
Is it my business?
Is it the truth?
Am I being kind?
Alinnah Macumboy- Year 10, Lockhart River
On my holidays, I went on country with my family and friends. We went hunting, fishing, swimming, and camping every day before I came back to school. Every morning I had to go to work just to earn my pocket money for when I came back to school. After work, my family and I would go fishing and hunting. We came back with the biggest and freshest fish for dinner, sometimes the boys go out and get turtle and dugong for a big feast so family and friends would come and gather. We had several funerals, so, at times, we weren't allowed to go anywhere or do anything because we had to pay respect to the families who were going through sorrow. This is our tradition.
Emmie Creevey- Year 8, Augathella
On the holidays I went fishing; it was a great time. We went for four days with Mum and Dad's close friends and their children. We had such a great time away from all the animals and just getting away together as a family. The second part of my holidays we travelled to Charleville to watch my older brother ride some bulls. It was an amazing time catching up with all my old rodeo friends. Then we made the move back to Augie (Augathella) and chilled out for a bit and had a roast that Sunday when we got back. After we had a long week away, my Nana came out and surprised me. We spent the last week with her before I had to go back to school. We made lots of cookies, hot soups, jam drops, and homemade sausages rolls. When we got close to the end of the week, I had asked her If she would take me back to school. Nan said ‘that is fine’; I was really excited for her to take me back.
Friday 31 July saw our dedicated College staff attend their annual Bishop's Inservice Day. As we do every year, we brainstormed possibilities for activities for us at boarding. Due to COVID 19, traveling to the beach or attending an excursion in Brisbane were not options. So, we took the opportunity to visit some of our local destinations. We loved having a sleep in and late breakfast. We packed our lunch into some eskies and jumped on the bus to make our way to Highfields Waterfall and Peace Haven Park at Highfields.
The dry weather of winter meant that the waterfall was very underwhelming and the recommended 600m walk to the falls, as described on the website, turned into a 3km round hiking trip. This left some students huffing, puffing, and sweating. When we arrived at Peacehaven Park, the beautiful sunny day meant we were able to play on the park equipment, run, and have some quality outdoor time. Our awesome supervising staff, Catherine, Tanya, and Carla picnicked with us and enjoyed some gymnastics, dancing, and impromptu activities. It was such a nice day, with great weather and we all returned to the boarding house with some great photos, videos, and memories.
This term our boarders have been given the opportunity to engage with local community providers Goolburri. Goolburri have been facilitating the ‘Tucka-Time’ program every Monday and Wednesday afternoon with our girls. These sessions have been well-received, and the girls have produced some tasty dishes. The aims of this program have been centred around nutritious food choices, building skills such as reading recipes, measuring ingredients, and trying flavours the girls may not have had the opportunity to try before. One of the tasty dishes the girls made was chicken rissoles with fresh herbs and feta cheese. Later in the program, they will have the opportunity to converse with a dietician, visit Woolworths and purchase ingredients for their own recipes, and implement their acquired skills within their groups. The girls have each received a recipe book, apron, and bandana, and will graduate the program later in the term.
RUGBY LEAGUE By Emmie Creevey
On Saturday we travelled to Dalby to play football. The under 16s played a hard game against Valley’s but, they came back with a win. Their defence was strong and saw them win with a 26-16 score line. Kathleen played an awesome game for the under 16s switching from the front row and then slotting into the halves for some dummy half runs. Alinnah also played a strong game for the under 16s on the wing. Her tackling and fast 'kick and chase game' helped the team to the win.
The under 14s played an outstanding game. Kaysharn, Flossy, Kyomie and I all had a great game in the under 14s this weekend. All girls played with effort and passion. Flossy scored the first try and then Kaysharn went across scoring two tries; she played like a little beast. Kyomie played an outstanding game, she was not scared to have a go, tackling bigger players, and running from half. Kyomie received this week’s award from the coaches. I scored four tries.
I am so proud of the footy girls. They did so well, and we love the opportunity to be able to play footy for club. We all thank Miss Bolton for driving us to Dalby and cheering us on each game. Also, to Lanease for giving us some tips when it was water break; it was an amazing weekend in Dalby.
Jesse Bolton McAuley Boarding House Manager
St Saviour’s is partnering with UNSW Global to reward and recognise academic achievement. This year, students will participate in the prestigious ICAS Assessments, allowing them to apply their higher-order thinking skills and gain recognition for their efforts.
Students in Years 7-10 will have an opportunity to participate in ICAS English, Science, Mathematics and Digital Technologies, as well as a Year 7 Spelling Bee.
We encourage you to consider entering your child in ICAS. This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence Monday 12th October to Friday 23rd October 2020.
Payment accepted via the Online Shop has now closed. An Entry Fee of $15.95 per competition can now be paid at the college office via the reception desk. Please make sure you state what competition your daughter is entering and their name.
Entries payable at the school will close on Wednesday 16th September.
Interact Senior Girls Night In
On 24 July, Interact held the annual Senior Girl’s Night In for years 10, 11 and 12. The night was full of fun activities including lip sync battles and intense 'Just Dance' games and began and ended with a movie. The Interact girls would like to thank the students who attended the night and all staff and rotary members who helped on the night. - Hannah